Support your Balkans analyst

Last time we had a pledge drive at, I somehow missed calling on my readers to contribute – but I think many did so nonetheless. This time, I’ll make it official: help stay afloat, and you can count on more Balkan Express coming your way. So for all you Balkans news junkies out there who don’t hate my guts – and I know there’s plenty who do, but they don’t really read anyway – what’s it worth to you?
Can you get this kind of analysis and commentary anywhere else?

To show that I’m not entirely selfish in my salesmanship, I’ll make a plug for a friend and colleague as well. Frequent contributor Chris Deliso runs his own news/analysis site, Balkanalysis, which remains focused on the Balkans (well, the Mediterranean and Caucasus, too) while the global Eye turns to Iraq. Occasionally, he also publishes some of my more idiosyncratic pieces.
Chris has done some great field reporting from Macedonia, extraordinary interviews with Canadian reporter Scott Taylor, and on the lighter side, several fantastic travelogues. Balkanalysis uses the honors system for contributions, and also makes a percentage of sales (as does – so buy them books, folks!). Balkanalysis also features links to eBay auctions of Balkans and Caucasus items.
If you value Balkan Express and our continuing opposition to the Empire, I encourage you to demonstrate the power of the free market and personal choice, and support with your tax-deductible dollars today.
And while you’re at it, stop by Balkanalysis, buy a book or send a few $ their way as well. It’s money well spent.