Holiday in Cambodia

Er, Chechnya:

    Sergei Abramov, who heads Chechnya’s pro-Moscow government, said on Friday that the park would be built next year along with a range of cultural and entertainment facilities, including a new football stadium. …

    “[N]ext year, we will launch not only a multifunctional sports centre for the Terek football club, but a Disneyland and a swimming/leisure complex,” he said in remarks broadcast by the Ekho Moskvy radio station.

    Mr Abramov did not make clear whether he was referring to an official Disneyland, or a generic theme park. …

    “I think if we do succeed in achieving this objective next year, the people will, I hope, be pleased with the results,” he said.

But wait: won’t a Disneyland just further inflame all them craaaaazy Muslims? And hey, what are they so pissed about in the first place if Chechnya lacks such Western trappings? I mean, I know they hate us because of our modernity, but what gives with Russia? I really need some coherent explanation from the neocons – who seem to think Moscow is part of the auxiliary axis of evil.