The Nightmare that is Fallujah

Corpse_dogI ran across this picture from Fallujah last night. I’m going to make it a thumbnail image, so those who can’t bear looking at a photo of a dog dining on an Iraqi, please just don’t click on it. I think everyone should look at it, though, because this is the result of the US military’s Fallujah Solution.

That picture, and the accompanying story describing how dogs eating corpses has created a rabies threat in Fallujah, is horrifying enough, but now we have Dahr Jamail’s gallery of photos from Fallujah. I’m just going to quote Helena’s reaction to viewing them and ask everyone to read her post before viewing the album.

I’m weeping inside of me. What can we do about this? How can we explain to that majority of US citizens that seems still to support this war the depths of depravity to which it has led?

This is only the beginning of the exposure of the Fallujah horrors.

Dahr Jamail’s Gallery