Kostunica in Kosovo

At the midnight liturgy on Christmas Eve in Belgrade, president Tadic appeared in the first row of worshippers, right next to Prince Alexander Karadjordjevic. Technically, the prince was all chummy with the man who usurped his birthright, since the republic was originally established by Communists at the expense of his father’s crown. The irony was apparently lost on both him and Tadic, as well as the TV commentators.
Absent was Prime Minister Kostunica. The following morning, Serbia found out why – he was in Kosovo, attending the liturgy in Pec served by the Serbian Patriarch.
But Serbia doesn’t have anything approaching the American political spin machine; most of its political propaganda is downright crude. Kostunica, apprarently, doesn’t even have a media manager. His visit – intensely symbolic and portentuous – had very little media impact in Serbia. Continue reading “Kostunica in Kosovo”

The Pentagon’s Gay Bomb

The Pentagon is full of it-I mean full of them; good ideas, that is. Turns out, in 1994, they had a thought. That’s newsworthy itself, but the thought was this; what we’ll do is, we’ll deliver a bomb to a site where there are a bunch of enemy troops. It will contain, not explosives, but a chemical aphrodesiac that will turn them into homosexuals. This is what the best and brightest career bureaucrats over there are thinking about. Strange, I thought they were just sick perverts wasting coerced tax money on dumb ideas and undermining the safety of the US by messing with other countries. Let’s ask the obvious question; Why did the Pentagon think it wanted to deliver a bomb right to the location of a whole bunch of enemy troops-but NOT kill them? I mean if you can get the bomb exactly where it needs to be to affect enemy troops – why not just load it up with TNT and blow them up? I’ll tell you why (don’t read any left-wing hysteria about ‘homophobia’ or one of these other meaningless New Age terms, because I’m not suggesting that); The Pentagon thinks that homosexuality is worse than death. With an idea like this, the Pentagon has crossed into James Bond-supervillainy, and, at first, the thought process might seem too outlandish to ascribe any sanity or logic. I must, however, recall George Carlin’s observations about the language of American pop culture, such as George Bush Senior’s tough talk during Gulf War 1 (“we’re going in”…”this time, we’re going to finish the job”), as well as his ideas about what all of those bombs and missiles are shaped like. Perhaps, then, this is just the Pentagon following a train of thought? Perhaps screwing the enemy (sorry…) up sexually is the ultimate climax-er, I mean victory? Continue reading “The Pentagon’s Gay Bomb”

Let all the refugees vote

The jazzman has a great suggestion:

according to an article in ha’aretz, all people who can prove they or their fathers were born in iraq will be eligible to vote in the upcoming elections. this will include hundreds of thousands of israelis.

i applaud this broadening of democracy, and urge the adoption of this principle in other countries. for example, the millions of palestinian refugees who were born in israel or whose fathers were born in israel should be allowed to vote in israeli elections.

Refugees like this one, who isn’t even allowed in his home town to look at his family home.

The “Iraqi Resistance” video


Reuters carried this article yesterday which discusses the Iraqi video which asks Bush, “”George W. Bush; you have asked us to ‘bring it on’. And so have we, like never expected. Do you have another challenge?”

Since it’s in the news again, I thought I’d post this link to the video for anyone who may have missed it in my previous post.

A message from the Iraqi resistance

I have no way of verifying it’s authenticity. The Reuters article has as much information as I’ve ever had about this video.

If they had standards, they’d be double

The jingosphere unleashed the snarling hounds of bloggy wrath on CBS and Dan Rather for presenting a set of dubious documents as fact and then huffed about in insulted outrage that the anxiously awaited report barely mentioned them and called them “conservative bloggers with an agenda” when it did.

On the news that the “hunt” for the rationale for invading and occupying an entire country and killing tens of thousands has been over since before Christmas?

Well, compare and contrast.