Americans Die, Warbloggers Yawn


    I still strongly believe that no blogger is obligated to write about any topic, but I just find it interesting that web personalities who one would think would be big Michael Moore fans are collectively shrugging their shoulders over this. …

    Nothing (so far) at Eschaton, Daily Kos, James Wolcott, Josh Marshall, Kevin Drum, Matthew Yglesias, Tapped, The Left Coaster…

National Review blogger Jim Geraghty on Tuesday (one of three long posts on Moore’s Oscar snub)

    [zip, zilch, nada]

– blogger Jim Geraghty today (as of 8:00 pm Central) on America’s deadliest day yet in Iraq

Not so much as a “we mourn the fallen” from Glenn Reynolds, either, though he does have some “good news” from Iraq, so he’s apparently still aware the place exists. Ditto Andrew Sullivan, Jeff Jarvis, and Roger L. Simon (these were the only ones I checked, but I think they’ll suffice to establish a pattern). Guess Fred Reed is right:

    No one in the mysteriously named “elite” gives a damn about some kid from a town in Tennessee that has one gas station and a beer hall with a stuffed buck’s head. Such a kid is a redneck at best, pretty much from another planet, and certainly not someone you would let your daughter date. … Thank God for throwaway people.

UPDATE 10:30 pm CT: Jeff Jarvis has since added a note on this disastrous day:

    We pay more attention when more people die. That’s ridiculous, even offensive. Others died yesterday and the day before. Some died in accidents, some at the hand of insurgents/terrorists/murderers. None of them should have died, of course. Some try to blame the president for these deaths; too few blame the murderers with blood on their hands.

And more stay-the-course yada yada yada. But at least he mentioned it.

Americans Die, Warbloggers Yawn

    I still strongly believe that no blogger is obligated to write about any topic, but I just find it interesting that web personalities who one would think would be big Michael Moore fans are collectively shrugging their shoulders over this. …

    Nothing (so far) at Eschaton, Daily Kos, James Wolcott, Josh Marshall, Kevin Drum, Matthew Yglesias, Tapped, The Left Coaster…

National Review blogger Jim Geraghty on Tuesday (one of three long posts on Moore’s Oscar snub)

    [zip, zilch, nada]

– blogger Jim Geraghty today (as of 8:00 pm Central) on America’s deadliest day yet in Iraq

Not so much as a “we mourn the fallen” from Glenn Reynolds, either, though he does have some “good news” from Iraq, so he’s apparently still aware the place exists. Ditto Andrew Sullivan, Jeff Jarvis, and Roger L. Simon (these were the only ones I checked, but I think they’ll suffice to establish a pattern). Guess Fred Reed is right:

    No one in the mysteriously named “elite” gives a damn about some kid from a town in Tennessee that has one gas station and a beer hall with a stuffed buck’s head. Such a kid is a redneck at best, pretty much from another planet, and certainly not someone you would let your daughter date. … Thank God for throwaway people.

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Cruel and Unusual: Bush/Cheney’s New World Order

Crossing the Rubicon: The Decline of the American Empire at the End of the Age of Oil

Against All Enemies: Inside America’s War on Terror

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US chopper crash kills all aboard

American helicopter crash kills as many as 30:

SuperstallionCBS News National Security Correspondent David Martin reports as many as 30 are dead in the crash of the CH-53E "Super Stallion" helicopter. All aboard were killed. Military officials are not sure yet whether the chopper was shot down or crashed for some other reason.

The crash took place Wednesday morning near the town of Rutbah, 220 miles west of Baghdad in the al Anbar province, while the aircraft was transporting 1st Marine Division forces conducting "security operations," the U.S. military said in a statement.