The Pentagon Channel

I’d like to thank the Pentagon for providing yet another in a seemingly endless string of great material on which to comment. The Nazis had Leni Riefenstahl to make their propaganda, and now the US has … The Pentagon Channel (I didn’t make that name up; that’s what they’re calling it). That’s right, the symbol of US Empire is now going to be broadcasting to millions of US homes free of charge!
The channel is marketed thusly; “Dish viewers will be kept up to date with current military news and information including Department of Defense news briefings, military news, interviews with top defense officials, and short stories about the work of military people.”
Yes, I can see how that might be necessary. The Fox/CNN cretins don’t do much of that, do they? We need BALANCE against those anti-war forces!
This opens up a number of intriguing possibilities, does it not? How about a new reality show – Rummy’s World – in which the camera follows the Defense Secretary around as he berates and fires subordinates, eats breakfast, argues with the President about whether Mr. Bush should be reading the memos coming from DoD, and disseminates intelligence to try to find something positive to tell the press.
And since Rumsfeld is apparently a sex symbol, how about a contest – Win a date with Rummy. That’ll attract the soccer moms, I’ll tell you.
How about a nightly news broadcast hosted by Robert McNamara?
Or an infomercial – How to shred sensitive documents before the press or congress get their grubby hands on them. The Pentagon could start marketing its own brand of shredder, only $19.95.
Then there are the shows I’m sure we will not be seeing on this channel; Great US War criminals from Wilson to Bush, Why the Defense Department isn’t called the War Department anymore, A history of disastrously failed US Military Vehicles, and how much they cost, and even Lying us into war: How the Feds have dummied up a reason for every war the US has fought.
Those shows will be reserved someday for the channel.