Whither Chalabi?


Juan Cole has a long post up in which he analyzes the somewhat sketchy information available about the process of choosing a candidate for PM of the Iraqi Assembly. Rather surprisingly, Ahmed Chalabi is still announcing to anyone who will listen that he has the votes to become PM. Cole explains how this might actually be true and also lays out a scenario which could result in Allawi retaining power.

Interestingly, Cole thinks that the women (33% of the seats by UN rule) might be the wild card that allow Chalabi to cobble together enough votes to be a contender, but Abu Aardvark reminds us of the truckloads of blackmail files Chalabi still has.

As I was writing this post, the wires began announcing that Chalabi has withdrawn from the PM contest, so now we can take all this reasoning about PM and apply it to whatever position Chalabi announces that he will win next since he never goes away.

Chalabi photo via billmon