“Hate Crime” riddle

Q: How is a Hate Crime by Muslims in New Jersey Like WMD in Iraq?

A: Neither of them exist, but right-wing nutbags believe every erroneous report that they do.

Mithras, via Atrios

Reading Mithras’ post brought to mind this example from the now-infamous GOPUSA website, home of ex-White House Bureau Chief Jeff James Gannon Guckert, which also hosts a…well, writer, whose bio reads like a Who’s Who of righty piety:

Barbara Stock is a working registered nurse with 24 years of experience.

She is the mother of two grown sons and two grandchildren.

Barbara will be contributing editorials and articles to her local Women’s Republican Party for the upcoming election cycle.

Barbara is a regular contributor to AmericanDaily, ReNewAmerica, Bushcountry, RepublicanDailyNews, The Judson Cox Newsletter, and Prudent Politics. She has also been published on Intellectual Conservative, TownHall, New Republic, Israeli News, and even the Retired NYCFD website.

Barbara has her own webpage called Republican and Proud, thoughtfully linked by GOPUSA.com. Notice the lovely little graphic in the lower left that Barbara uses to decorate her website:
