So? It’s a week old. I missed it, maybe you did too.
The Washington Times: House moves to raise U.S. debt ceiling
Washington, DC, May. 3 (UPI) — The U.S. House has sent legislation to the Senate that would raise the federal debt limit to nearly $9 trillion, a $781 billion increase.
The House agreed to the increase under an automatically executing provision in the 2005 budget resolution approved by the House and Senate late last week.
The House officially sent the Senate a separate piece of debt-relief legislation increasing the limit as mandated by the self-executing provision in the budget resolution.
Gaining approval of the separate bill through the gambit avoided the need for a politically costly debate on the House floor over increasing the debt ceiling again and highlighting the inter-party split on the issue.
Fiscal conservatives within the GOP have been clamoring for greater fiscal discipline on budget matters considering the massive federal deficits, estimated to reach another record in dollar terms this year, for the second consecutive year. [emphasis mine]
How much is $9,000,000,000,000? (nevermind the interest)
One million seconds is about eleven days. One billion seconds is almost thirty-two years. One trillion seconds is 31,546 years
So if the victims of the American tax man can shell out a dollar per second for 283,914 years, our limited republic should be back in the black – as long as we stay out of any more stupid wars.