Re: A Balkans Connection?

As Justin said, the possiblity has indeed been raised that the explosives used in the London came from the Balkans; the first rumor was that explosives were Serbian, but just as the accusations in the run-up to the Iraq invasion that Serbs “supplied Saddam”, this proved to be spurious.

According to one retired colonel of the Yugoslav army, the explosives used in London could have come from a factory in northern Montenegro – but these have been in possession of all sides in the 1991-95 wars, and some have even reached the KLA terrorists in Kosovo and Macedonia. One of the persons under investigation by the Brits lived with the mujahedin in northern Bosnia, who certainly had access to these explosives.

However, now that the London bombings cannot be pinned on Serbs, trust the legacy media to completely bury the Bosnian/Kosovo angle, and never so much as mention the possibility that Bosnian Muslims were anything but pure, innocent victims of evil Serb aggression. Certainly, claims that the ruling Muslim party has numerous connections with Islamic extremist groups and governments will either never be raised, or will be dismissed out of hand.