Re: A Balkans Connection?

As Justin said, the possiblity has indeed been raised that the explosives used in the London came from the Balkans; the first rumor was that explosives were Serbian, but just as the accusations in the run-up to the Iraq invasion that Serbs "supplied Saddam", this...

The London Bombers: A Balkan Connection?

Four of the London bombers have been identified: they are Hasib Hussein, 19, Shehzad Tanweer, 22, "Rashid Facha, a British-born Pakistani in his twenties; and Jacksey Fiaz, about 35." Juan Cole tosses us this interesting lead from Al-Sharq al-Awsat: "There are reports...

Novak Spills the Beans

To all the partisan Democrats who are screaming "Why didn't they prosecute Bob Novak while poor little Judy Miller sleeps on a mattress in jail?" -- well, here's your answer: "Columnist Robert Novak provided detailed accounts to federal prosecutors of his...

Fuzzy Math and “Genocide”

I should have noted this Monday, when I first read the article, but was so overwhelmed by the sheer volume of articles about Srebrenica - the vast majority repeating exactly the same tired propaganda - that I haven't got around to it. But this article, in the London...

Raimondo on MSNBC (video)

Finally, we have a video link to view Justin Raimondo's appearance on MSNBC on June 17. Many thanks to Brandon Snider, who put in a lot of time and effort to get these files ready to present on the Web.Justin appeared on MSNBC to talk about recruitment troubles.Four...

Separatists Threaten Historian

Say something the Montenegrin separatists don't like, and you may find yourself shot - or accused of terrorism. Last spring, the editor of a Podgorica newspaper who wrote about president/prime minister Milo Djukanovic's shady adventures in cigarette-smuggling was...

Israel’s Belated (and Grudging) Apology

Regular readers of my "Behind the Headlines" column on will perhaps recall this account and this one of the curious case of Israel's intelligence service "harvesting" New Zealand passports by stealing the identities of the disabled, notably a house-bound...

Horowitz’s Road to Fascism

To those who doubt that an evolving fascist ideology motivates the War Party, here is wing-nut extraordinaire David Horowitz on why the antiwar movement, and more specifically "the left," has to be "watched": "This is the lesson of London: Take the hostile force...

Blair Rejects Inquiry — Too “Distracting”

The Financial Timesreports that British Prime Minister Tony Blair has rejected calls for an official inquiry into the London bombings, "insisting such a move would distract from the task of catching the perpetrators." Move along -- nothing to see here .... Nothing but...