Creepy, ugly, kooky, nasty — these are words that come to mind as we contemplate this post on David Horowitz’s “Moonbat Central” blog, announcing the departure of Cindy Sheehan from Crawford, Texas, on account of her mother’s recent stroke. Yeah, they don’t call it “Moonbat Central” for nothing, as it attracts various right-wing ghouls who post their comments. Here’s one:
Horowitz and his crew — this particular post is authored by someone who goes by the name of “Rocco di Pippo” — are real winners, alright. Here’s another example of their “hate Cindy” campaign: “Cindy Sheehan: American Nazi Idol”! I’m not even going to provide a link to this drivel, authored by Ben “Chickenhawk” Johnson, who works for Horowitz. Ben is a young lad of military age who has better things to do than fight a war he so passionately believes in, preferring instead that people like Casey Sheehan give their lives so that he can stay at home and libel the families of the fallen.