I asked once before: "Is the United States a Terrorist State"?
The Straussians and Their Consequences
Saturday on the Weekend Interview Show, I'll be talking with Anne Norton about her book, Leo Strauss and the Politics of American Empire, and with professor Juan Cole about the situation in Basra and the Iraqi constitution. Update: Antiwar.com correspondent Debbie...
The War Party Conquers Cato?
A few months ago, Mark Brady, over at the Liberty and Power blog, noted that the libertarian Cato Institute had not published or posted anything about the Iraq war since the beginning of the year. Hmmmmm, I thought: an ill wind blows. It wasn’t a good sign for the...
Keep Telling Yourselves That
Glenn Reynolds, citing some less successful blogger:"The groups that will gather in Washington DC for a major anti-war protest this weekend have financial ties to major leftist fundraisers like George Soros and Theresa Heinz Kerry, and beyond them to communist...
Libertoid Androids
Thought for the day, from Gene Healy:I love technology, really I do. Ipod. Internet. Modern dentistry. Not starving to death. We live in a world of ever-increasing technological miracles, and if we really appreciated it as much as we should, we'd walk around all day...
Death and Dismemberment Porn, Pt. II
Andrew Sullivan finally catches up on the story of a porn site that allows US soldiers free entry for posting photos of dead and dismembered Iraqis and Afghans. Better late than never, I suppose, but Eric Muller did not "sound the alarm." I wrote about it here a month...
An Explosive Story
The Battle of Basra, where British troops "rescued" two out-of-uniform British soldiers who'd gotten into a contretemps with Iraqi police, gets more fascinating by the moment. A news item put out by China's Xinhua News Agency's contains the following fascinating...
Andrew Sullivan Gets His Priorities “Straight”
Writing on his famous weblog, Andrew Sullivan has always tried to balance his various manias -- the wonders of homosexuality, the glories of war -- so that one didn't necessarily overshadow the other. Now, however, he's shown us where his priorities are with this blog...
John Bolton & Plame: Arianna Comes Late to the Party
I see that Arianna Huffington has finally discovered the John Bolton -Plame scandal connection. Of course, Antiwar.com's readers were in on this waaaay back in July: "After the War Party met in solemn conclave, and the command went out from Cheney: 'Bring me the head...
Cindy versus Hillary: Holding the Democrats Accountable
In a move that is sure to send fissures through the Democratic party "leadership," antiwar activist Cindy Sheehan is squaring off against Hillary Clinton: "Sheehan isn’t stopping her critique with Bush. On the contrary, she has begun to set her sights on Congress and...