Their Saddam, and Ours

Laura Rozen lays into Dick Cheney, and it isn’t pretty:

“The guy supports torture. He hides out in bunkers. He conspires with big oil to deceive the Congress. His chief of staff has been indicted for covering up that office’s role in outing a CIA officer to the media as political revenge. He bought sci fi Iraq intelligence from whoever was selling. He obstructed a Senate Intelligence investigation of pre-war intelligence. Basically, I don’t think the Dems are going to have any problem continuing to let the public know about Cheney, whose popularity rating stands about as high as Saddam’s in Iraq, right? Only in Cheney’s Anbar province, Wyoming and Utah, does his approval rating break 50% …”


If the Republicans want to survive as a party, there’s just one course for the rational amongst them to take. As I put it last month: “Earth to Bush: Ditch Cheney.”