Re: Bill Bradford, RIP

by | Dec 10, 2005

I just now read Chris Matthew Sciabarra’s note at Liberty and Power that Bill Bradford, editor of Liberty Magazine, lost his life to cancer on Thursday, December 8. He was 58.

I am very sad to hear this. I had the pleasure of meeting Bill at the LP National Convention in Atlanta in 2004, and was fortunate to write several book reviews for Liberty over the last couple years.

Bill Bradford, on top of being a dedicated hard-working libertarian editor, was very strongly opposed to the war machine. I had several long conversations with him on the phone and he told me more than once that there wasn’t a war in the U.S. government’s history that he thought was necessary and unavoidable — that there was always a better way than war to achieve the desired results. We have lost, among other things, another force for peace with his death.