Good Work, Gals

by | Jul 13, 2006

The American media makes no secret of its allegiances in all matters Mideast, but CNN’s coverage of Israel’s attack on Lebanon today has been something else. Talking heads Carol Lin and Kyra Phillips have earned their AIPAC gold stars today, as they hilariously chant “we’re showing you this from all angles” – all angles from Bibi Netanyahu’s left and right shoulders, maybe.  

UPDATE: Why should you care what happens in Beirut? Dennis Perrin:

War is what Israel does best, and we’re about to get a full bloody plate of it.

Well, not we good Americans — not directly, anyway. Not until some pissed-off jihadists decide to answer our bankrolling of this present round of aggression with God knows what. Because, like it or not, every Israeli missile that hits residential Beirut (and elsewhere) comes courtesy of our collective pocket. Might as well have “Howdy From The USA!” painted on each shell. When Israel attacks, we attack, a reality that a lot of Americans either ignore, dismiss, or in some corners, celebrate. …