Thank God for the Cato Institute

From the Cato Institute blog:

People who go to dangerous places … shouldn’t expect to be rescued from danger at the expense of the U.S. taxpayer.

Absolutely. We should end the American taxpayers’ never-ending rescue of Israel immediately.

Oh, wait. That post isn’t about U.S. aid to Israel… it’s about aid to American taxpayers who are being bombed by Israel.

Re: Brutal Mistakes

Thank you for the insight, Jim.

Remember too what effect the April 1996 Qana massacre had on one Osama bin Laden, who made particular mention of the Qana Massacre in his first “Fatwa” against the U.S. in August 1996.

As intelligence reporter James Bamford explained to me in April of 2004,

“[Bin Laden] freqently mentioned Qana during those times. It was a very inflaming incident in terms of his own development of his hatred for the United States, and as well for other people throughout the Middle East.”

Meanwhile, on Fox news today, I heard for the millionth time that the reason we have a problem with terrorists is because Ronald Reagan was such a coward, he “turned tail and ran,” from Lebanon after 241 Marines were truck bombed in 1983, leaving America’s enemies with the impression that they could influence American policies with terrorist attacks. What policies they may want to influence was not discussed. Nor was any explanation offered as to why they were in Beirut in the first place.

Brutal Mistakes

Ha’aretz’s military affairs expert Ze’ev Schiff is pleased as punch that the green light the U.S. has given will last “for a week or two, and possibly more,”  provided Israel doesn’t make a “brutal mistake in the fighting.”  He has in mind how the Qana massacre in southern Lebanon brought short Operation Grapes of Wrath in 1996.  So, Israel can keep wiping out families one at a time, as it’s been doing, as long as it doesn’t wipe out 106 women and children in one fell swoop.

If that weren’t sick enough, look at how Israel is lowering its draft age. 

And I can’t get over that astonishing coincidence–Sept. 11 mastermind Mohamed Atta wrote his will on the very day on which Israel unleashed Grapes of Wrath.  


What exactly is a “militant”?

Ever notice that when the Israeli government murders someone, they call them a “militant“? Now, Hamas suicide bombers and riflemen are “terrorists,” but what exactly is a “militant”? It seems that if those they killed were “terrorists,” they would say so.

I’m sticking with the definition “innocent bystander” until someone can show me different.

Litani of Sorrows

Background on the significance of the Litani River from new blogger Margaret Griffis:

In order to end the current hostilities between Israel and the Hezbollah, Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert relayed to Italian Prime Minister Romano Prodi the following conditions for ceasefire: the return of the captured Israeli soldiers and a Hezbollah pullback to the Litani River. With the reach of Hezbollah rockets extending farther into Israel than ever before, the use of the Litani River as the northern border of a safety zone seems increasingly arbitrary; however, a look at the history of the Litani might shed some light on its symbolic importance.

The headwaters of the Litani are found in the fertile Biqa’a Valley, the purported seat of Hezbollah power. Here, the river runs south and parallel to the Syrian border. As the Litani nears northern Israel and the Golan Heights, the course of the river bends dramatically westward. Near this bend, the Litani comes within 5 km of the Hasbani River and 4 km from the Israeli border. It empties in the Mediterranean Sea just north of Tyre, one of Lebanon’s largest cities. The Hasbani River then runs into the Jordan River and, significantly, into Israel.

As early as 1905, early Zionists considered diverting the Litani. Later, it was hoped that the river would be considered as a northern border, but the League of Nations nixed that proposal. Later still, some suggested leasing the water to the young Israeli state. Long after the Israeli borders were set, Israel’s first prime minister, David Ben-Gurion still wanted to see the Litani become part of Israel, and as late as the 1967 war Defense Minister Moshe Dayan was disappointed that the river remained entirely in Lebanese hands. The 1978 invasion of Lebanon itself was interestingly named the Litani River Operation. After the 1982 Lebanon War, Israel occupied varying areas of southern Lebanon until 2000. During that time period, rumors led many to fear that Israel had already diverted part of the river, but those allegations remain unsubstantiated.

The water itself is considered of high quality, though somewhat polluted as it reaches the sea. Lebanon uses it for agricultural, recreational and hydroelectric purposes. During recent fighting, Israeli warplanes bombarded bridges along the Litani that would have been used by evacuees from the south. Many have resorted to walking across the river or building earthen causeways to make their escape. On a side note, the last time that Israel threatened Lebanon was in 2002 when the Lebanese diverted the Wazzani River. Even if Israeli Defense Forces are successful in eliminating Hezbollah from southern Lebanon, the increasing stress on water supplies in Israel will likely keep the Litani River as a point of strategic interest for years to come.

So that’s where they got the lie that Padilla was a “dirty bomber.”

FBI wanted Padilla’s help, not arrest

“‘I didn’t want to arrest him,’ said Special Agent Russell Fincher said. ‘I needed his cooperation.’ …

“He said the agency had hoped Padilla could provide information about an al-Qaida plot to detonate a radioactive device, or so-called ‘dirty bomb’ on U.S. soil, and needed an insider…”

And then when he refused, they accused him of plotting that very thing and turned him over to the military so he could not confront his accusers.

When the Administration found out that the Supreme Court was getting ready to hear the case and rule that the Bill of Rights applied to him, the DoJ finally had some idiot grand jury indict him.

There is nothing about a “dirty bomb” or a plot to blow up apartments or anything remotely resembling such activity in the indictment [.pdf] anywhere.

Remember when former Deputy Secretary of Defense, Paul Wolfowitz, admitted that Padilla was innocent?

He was just a schmuck who refused to cooperate with their plans to entrap someone else.

Now that there’s no Soviet Union, who can we point to in order to convince ourselves that the American system is superior to anyone’s?