It’s always about the war with you, isn’t it, Charles?
Author: Scott Horton
Scott Horton is editorial director of, director of the Libertarian Institute, host of Antiwar Radio on Pacifica, 90.7 FM KPFK in Los Angeles, California and podcasts the Scott Horton Show from He’s the author of the 2017 book, Fool’s Errand: Time to End the War in Afghanistan and editor of The Great Ron Paul: The Scott Horton Show Interviews 2004–2019. He’s conducted more than 5,000 interviews since 2003. Scott lives in Austin, Texas with his wife, investigative reporter Larisa Alexandrovna Horton. He is a fan of, but no relation to the lawyer from Harper’s. Scott’s Twitter, YouTube, Patreon. View all posts by Scott Horton
Is America worse than China ?-U bet !
Still the USA’s B.S. drum beat goes on “The blood shed in Tiananmen Square has come to symbolize the triumph of the spirit over brute force.
Deng Xiaoping, Li Peng and the other butchers of Tiananmen failed to realize that the main casualty of the massacre has been the communist system, which was forever rejected by humankind everywhere…” blah blah blah
Tell this to the Student–Meyers .
LOL Mao, I mean “JoJo”. This kid got exactly what he wanted by resisting the police after being asked to stop ranting by the moderator. If you watch the video when he is led outside it is clear he is a attention whore of the “Help help I am being repressed!!!” variety. Comparing this to the Chinese totalitarian state IS A JOKE.
Charles Goyette also nailed Kerry for being a useless tool. I am not sure this kid would have shut up if Kerry tried to take hold of the situation, but he didn’t even try.
You are a very mean person, Pol. The young student journalist spoke for me, and he was very brave. Shame on you for advocating such police brutality, especially at a college political event, right in front of a U.S. Senator who wanted to be president. Kerry now has absolutely no chance of ever reaching the White House. You frighten me, especially since you hide behind anonymity.
I can’t believe you suckers fell for this guy! If you read how he barged in, cut in, and what happened outside the auditorium, etc. you can add it all up.
And I didn’t “advocate police brutality” — I said he got the result he wanted — attention.
This guy could have showed up with everyone else and really put Kerry on the spot with the exact same questions!! (perhaps without uttering “blowjob”, that is the moderator’s call) But he would not have been on TV in this case.
Oh and “hide behind anonymity”? Please. Why don’t you go ahead and post your address and phone number and get back to me.
It doesn’t matter if he was being an ass. Police brutality against people you don’t like is still police brutality.
He was no danger to anyone and they tased him anyway. They did it as physical punishment, not as a means of ensuring safety. This cannot be tolerated in a free society.
Tasing as physical punishment: Yes, I believe that is what happened. There are instances too in which people who are already cuffed have been tasered – sometimes it has resulted in heart failure. Allowing the cop to exercise the punishing role takes away authority from the courts and citizen juries in criminal matters. This is some of what the civil rights movement was about, not just racism. Allowing the human emotions of sudden anger to prevail, where someone the police have been insulted by or whom they deem a threat to order is attacked without ever having been observed to have committed a crime is opening up a new era – or reviving the much older one in which this was routine. You can see how the “mob” at most forums is perfectly happy for the speaker to have gotten “what was coming to him”, without analyzing the fact that he committed no crime whatsoever, and that under our laws, free speech is privileged as long as it is not yelling fire in a crowded theater (when there is none). This man was not violating the law when he was arrested. He was then tasered after showing he was not resisting arrest.
Look, we’ve all been to events where someone goes on too long, or makes a speech posing as a question. When the other people in the room people get good and sick of it, they just start trying to shame the person with groans of disapproval or whatever and that’s that.
When this happens in a free society with a First Amendment, there is NOTHING for the police appropriately to do. My God, people are talking about the police “overreacting” — as though maybe half the violence they used might have been OK?? This is crazy. The appropriate level of law enforcement response here was ZERO.
And this kid DID in fact raise a very important issue – GOP election manipulation – to which Kerry has never adequately responded, just as he totally failed in his response to the use of torture, before his very eyes, to squelch a citizen’s right to free speech. If this is what our country is now, then it’s an evil nation and I hate it with all my bitter heart. The America I loved is no more, if it ever was.
The America you loved is right here, safe and sound. Kerry is despicable. he presided over an illegal arrest under his nose and he said nothing about it. He presided over an illegal election in which the Ohio count was manipulated, and he said and did nothing. His wife acted bored and disaffected during his entire campaign and he never dealt with it. I’m afraid the man was like the bridegroom in Lochinvar by Longfellow, who stood dangling his bonnet and plume when the rival came to sweep his bride away on a white horse. Here was a moment when he might have used his legal training to effect and he did not. He is now in my mind a symbol of privilege and power at odds with the needs of this country at this moment in time.
The police acted the way they do at Bush rallies, towards any signs of opposition. Today, the most revolutionary thing anyone can do is to insist upon exercising the right to question and confront authority through free speech, and then to insist upon relying on the guarantee of liberty in the Constitution. This is the only way the questions will continue to be posed and the current elites actually challenged over what they value the most: their well-oiled propaganda machinery, for which they pay dearly when they compromise principles for financial backers.
When will lizard-brians like Pol ever get it? People have an absolute right to be a pain in the ass, just so long as they don’t hurt anyone. Perhaps when President Hillary is rounding up morons like him and shipping them to concentration camps?
Nah, not even then.