17 thoughts on “Good News”

  1. Not surprised. No wonder our federal government is so unpopular with the very vast majority of its citizens.

  2. I’m quite surprised actually. it’s certainly not reflected in the votes or opinions of the republican senators or pundits

  3. The distinction drawn in the piece between hawks and social conservatives and its employment as an explanation for this phenomenon is misleading. There are social conservatives that are genuinely socially conservative and religious, and social conservatives that, while religious, ought to be considered as constituting a kind of latter day ReichsChurch. While I’m pleased to learn that Republicans somewhere, anywhere, can manage 51% opposition to a sustained presence in Iraq, I think it stretches credulity to see more than small fraction of them coming from environments not already in thrall to a ReichsChurch zeitgeist.

    John Lowell

  4. I sure hope those republicans will get to their caucuses and primaries and vote for Ron Paul then.

  5. Re Comment by lester on 2007-10-05 11:39:11 Report abuse

    “…it’s certainly not reflected in the votes or opinions of the republican senators or pundits.”

    Naturally. Since when did they ever give a damn about the vox populi? For the most part they’re forever in lock goosestep behind the party fuhrer…same goes for The House (think of that big dumb toadie Dennis Hastert). There are notable exceptions of course, but their voices can barely be heard above the kept-media din. Hopefully that will change, but don’t hold your breath…it goes against the dictats of the real power…the “hidden government.” That is, the Bilderburgers, Trilateral Commission, and CFR. All of this applies equally to the Democrats, as well. Categorically, nothing but self-serving scum.

    1. “Since when did they ever give a damn about the vox populi … Categorically, nothing but self-serving scum.”

      Greater precision than what you offer here is simply not required. One hopes that after the Constitutional Convention there will be public trials.

      John Lowell

    2. DJ,If you feel that all of the democrats are “categorically nothing but self serving scum”, what must you think of the Republicans? And if you feel this way, why do you choose to live in this country?

      1. “And if you feel this way, why do you choose to live in this country?”

        Tim R. keeps trotting this banality out anytime anybody posts anything critical of the government, the current administration, the Iraq “war”, or global intervention in general under any Antiwar.com blog topic. And yet he accuses others of sounding like a broken record!

        Notably, one of his main themes throughout has been a paralyzing fear of a global Islamist Caliphate taking over the entire world. Well, I’d be more concerned with the aspirations of the Hidden Government cited in my earlier post. That is, a single corporatist/mercantilist world government under the aegis of the UN, with NATO (an anachronistic organization) envisioned as the global enforcers and outfits like Blackwater (“federalized” domestic paramilitary police) to enforce fascist “tranquility” on the various home fronts.

        Go to the site below for one quick economic overview of the burgeoning “New World Order:”


  6. Doesn’t matter. All top politicians are beholden to the same powerful forces and those forces will not allow a withdrawl from Iraq and will not let an anti-war candidate near the nomination. And that applies to both (sic) parties.

  7. Darryl makes a good point. They will try to keep Paul out by procedural maneuvering but if that fails or if he ends up running as an independent then I would make sure that I was wearing my body armor if I were RP. Another Sirhan B Sirhan would likely appear at one the campaign stops…

  8. “And if you feel this way, why do you choose to live in this country?”

    Despising Republican and Democrat party hacks is un-American? Are you equating the two parties and directions in which they manipulate the federal government with America? I don’t think you have a grasp of what this country is all about; why do YOU choose to live here?

  9. Anything specific listed on the topic of a crediible PAC or front group for PACs that I could contribute to for the counterbalance of AIPAC’s influence on our foreign policy?

  10. Great news! That’s 51% for Ron Paul and 49% split up among all the other Dubya clones. I can’t wait to see the MSM taken by surprise that they can’t define the debate for the “little people.”

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