RawStory’s managing news editor Larisa Alexandrovna discusses the recent Israeli attack on Syria, the War Party’s many versions of what happened, U.S. and Israeli refusal to cooperate with the IAEA’s investigation, Iran’s cooperation with the IAEA, a leak to her saying the war is in motion and cannot be stopped, Cheney’s hatred for the CIA, possible ulterior motives for the outing of Valerie Plame and the Sibel Edmonds case’s ties to the AIPAC trial and a tangled web of espionage, politics and international crime.
MP3 here. (46:15)
Larisa Alexandrovna is a journalist, essayist and poet. She is currently managing news editor for Raw Story, and contributes regularly to other publications in the alternative press. She also hangs out at her blog, AT-LARGELY.
Her work is cited by mass media outlets such as Rolling Stone, New York Times, Mother Jones, and other notable publications. She is best known for her reporting on domestic intelligence issues and foreign military affairs. For the past few years she has been focused on the build up for war with Iran, pre-Iraq war intelligence, and other national security and intelligence stories.