Various sources are reporting that New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg will not make an independent bid for president. I, for one, was hoping to witness another blandly “transpartisan,” authoritarian warbot crash and burn à la Rudy Giuliani, but alas. Of course, there’s always John McCain…
In December, Glenn Greenwald collected some of Mikey’s greatest hits, with an emphasis on foreign policy, here.
No recent tale of folly has better summed up the self-engrossed myopia of New York that this one. Michael Bloomberg has no presence on the national stage. None! Yeah… he’s the big cheese in the Big Apple. So what? Tell that to a disgruntled voter in Colorado and he will laugh in the face of this puffed-up runt. Even the mighty, mighty Rudy Giuliani, the mythic (VERY mythic) stud-boy of 9/11 bellyflopped trying to go large. New York hasn’t been the center of the American universe since the end of World War II. Get over it!
Perhaps a decade ago I came up with the idea that it might make sense to move the national capital to Saint Louis. I do not know how serious about it to be. Washington as a kind of Kyoto is hardly persuasive.