So, more British soldiers have now been killed in Afghanistan than in Iraq. Why are British troops in Afghanistan? We know why American forces are in Afghanistan--to fight the Taliban terrorists "over there" so we don't have to fight them "over here,"Â to find Osama...
Pentagon’s New Robots Eye Creepy New ‘Flex Fuel’
Will Future US Military Vehicles, Robots Feast on the Flesh of the Slain? The real downside to the Pentagon's planned army of merciless killbots, besides the inevitable robot rebellion (which the Pentagon is spending billions trying to head off) is all that fuel....
Don’t F*ck Me Up With Peace and Love?
Maybe this post by George Hawley, "Solving Non-Interventionism’s Tough-Guy Problem," wasn't directed at, but I'll address some excerpts from it anyway. In the years since I abandoned my status as a typical neoconservative chicken hawk and adopted Old...
Bill Marina, RIP
Revisionist historian William Marina died this morning of a heart attack. Bill was a great libertarian and friend of the late Murray Rothbard. I encountered Bill several times in the 1970s and always enjoyed his wit and wonderful conversation. Thanks to Gary North for...
McNamara: A War Criminal, a Liar, and a Director of the Washington Post company
In its obituary article on Robert McNamara today, the Washington Post mentions that McNamara was a director of the Washington Post company. Was that honor bestowed because of McNamara's lies or because of his war crimes? Or maybe he was just a really really great...
Bock on Sabbatical columnist Alan Bock will be taking a break from his weekly column while he finishes writing a book. Be sure to check out today's installment, "Independence, Empire Don’t Mesh."
The Fair-Minded Fascist
As several commenters downblog have so astutely noted, my deviationism on the crucial issue of our times – WHAT IS TO BE DONE IN HONDURAS? – has revealed me as a neocon, a fascist, and a militarist. Probably a misogynist and a theocrat, too. But just to...
Flashback: Honduras, May 2007
This is from the extreme right-wing BBC, so take it with a grain of salt: Honduras TV gets government order Honduran President Manuel Zelaya has ordered all the country's TV and radio stations to carry government propaganda for two hours a day. He says that the...