Only 12 House Members Vote Against Iran Sanctions

What happened to the “antiwar” members of Congress?

Only 12 voted against new sanctions on Iran, 3 of them Republicans. 412 voted in favor.

Here is the honor roll who voted against:
Tammy Baldwin (D-WI)
Earl Blumenauer (D-OR)
John Conyers (D-MI)
John Duncan (R-TN)
Jeff Flake (R-AZ)
Maurice Hinchey (D-NY)
Dennis Kucinich (D-OH)
Stephen Lynch (D-MA)
Jim McDermott (D-WA)
Gwen Moore (D-WI)
Ron Paul (R-TX)
Pete Stark (D-CA)

Voting Present: E.B. Johnson (D-TX), Carolyn Kilpatrick (D-MI), Barbara Lee (D-CA), Maxine Waters (D-CA)

65 thoughts on “Only 12 House Members Vote Against Iran Sanctions”

  1. At least 12 had honor.

    The rest are spineless stooges of the war machine. Congress is a disgrace.

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  2. Such were the votes in Ceausescu's Romania,USSR in the Stalin period.In the Nazi Germany were more sincerely:they stopped the vote .

  3. Gee look progressive hero Alan Grayson voted in favor of the sanctions. Progressive Except Palestine. Big shocker.

    1. Gee, I thought the issue is sanctions against Iran… not Israel. You are the idiot. And your bias is clear. The concept is that sanctions may be the way to avoid war. I suppose you support Iran developing nukes… Please listen to =what the President of Iran says. Unfortunately the ruling [and unelected] mullahs are … hell bent… on endangering the existential security of millions of people and dozens of countries.

  4. Can Obama ignore this vote ? If not the result could well be the closure of the Strait of Hormuz. Iran hasn´t done anything illegal, so all sanctions against Iran are illegal.

    1. Whether Obama is PERSONALLY inclined to ignore/veto this vote, we'll never know, although I seriously doubt that he is. After all, he has demonstrated in no uncertain terms during the first year of his reign that he is the proud property of the Israeli-owned military-industrial-corporate Establishment. Like all of his predecessors in the modern era, he is willing to trade whatever integrity he has (and I am by no means sure that he has any) for the opportunity to be imperial figurehead for a term. The appearance of power, no matter how chimerical, trumps conscience (again, not saying that Obama has one).

  5. We have a Congress that has a caucus on every foreign country. There is no House caucus on the US citizen. After this vote for sanctions against Iran, I can only conclude that this Congress is the enemy of the American people. In the next Congressional elections 95 % of these rascals should be thrown out.


    1. EVERY Congress in the modern era has been "the enemy of the people" and unfortunately that's not going to change with a replacement of the membership. A sure sign of the irreversible depth of the necrosis that is the Ameri[k]an body politic at the national level is the fact that Ron Paul and Dennis Kucinich are the ONLY two members of either chamber of that hilltop den of criminals that consistently demonstrate commitment to principle and the rule of law. The odds of electing even a dozen more members like them in future elections are so remote as to not even be worth seriously entertaining. Unless the majority of voters suddenly grow functioning cerebra, then this will, sadly, remain the status quo.

  6. Blessed are the peace malers!?

    Christian Leaders Urge Immediate Passage of

    Tough Sanctions on Iran

    Pat Robertson, Chuck Colson, Southern Baptist Leadership,

    Focus on the Family, Megachurch Pastors Send Letter To Congress

    Leaders representing millions of Evangelicals and Roman Catholics

    call for immediate passage of sanctions

    1. These same "christians" would have been the first ones to call for the crucifixion of Jesus…the American Sanhedrin. Disgusting !!! Christianity has been hijacked by bloodthirsty hate-filed warmongers.

  7. The U.S. economy is reeling like a boxer that is getting ready to go down for the count. But Congress isn't happy with a bloated U.S. military budget, an enormously costly worldwide empire of military bases, and the ongoing gigantic costs of its present wars in the Middle East. They are now doing everything they possibly can to start another unjust, immoral and aggressive war with Iran! Go ahead Congress, that ought to deliver the final knock-out blow to an already staggering U.S. economy. Forget about the so-called danger of foreign terrorists, the real terrorists the American people should be extremely worried about already occupy and control the government in Washington, D.C. (otherwise known as the District of Criminals).

  8. So, only 12 out of 435 congressional votes were against additional sanctions on Iran. Let's see; that means that only 2.8% of the House voted for peace. That means the rest voted like the lying, thieving, murdering and warmongering criminals that they obviously are. The American republic is on her death bed. America, "ask not for whom the bell tolls; it tolls for thee."

  9. And those who voted Present can not make up their mind or do not have the courge to vote against.

    1. Barbara Lee voted Present. I wonder what kept her from making a decision either way. In any case, I'm not going to call her on her courage. She cast the lone vote against war on Afghanistan.

  10. it is dejavu all over again. america is in the same position Germany was before the Nazis took over.
    the first thing they did is make everybody of israeli decent wear the star of david on their jacket.
    only then people came to realize who actually was running germany.
    i suggest for americans to demand their for their senators to come clean, proudly wear the star of david and quit hiding behind WMD's and 9/11. some americans might be surprised who is actually running their country.

  11. "What happened to the “antiwar” members of Congress?"

    There is no "antiwar" Congress to begin with.

    It's like the "antiwar" movement. They exist as political trojan horses, controlled opposition groups, and astroturf frauds.

  12. Disgusting !!! Christianity has been hijacked by bloodthirsty hate-filed warmongers.

    Er, that happened in the 4th century.

    So it goes.

  13. Obama approves aid to Israel, PA

    US President Barack Obama this week signed the 2010 foreign aid budget law which includes $2.775 billion in security aid to Israel. This is the second year the budget is transferred to the Jewish state as part of understandings that the American assistance to Israel in the coming decade will total $30 billion.,7340,L-3821976,00.html

    $30 billion for this!
    In this West Bank village surrounded by Israeli settlements, a Palestinian farmer says he has documents proving he owns his land. On a nearby hill, Jewish settler Batya Medad says she too has proof of ownership — the Old Testament….

    Mohammed Muqbil was born in this West Bank village in 1939; Medad has lived in neighboring Shiloh since its creation four decades later. They speak different languages and have never met, though their homes lie less than a mile apart.

    The Israeli government has officially allocated 28 percent of the village’s original 2,100 acres to nearby settlements, said Dror Etkes of Yesh Din. Another 35 to 40 percent has been taken unofficially by settlers or the Israeli army, he said.

    Settlers sometimes fence off or cultivate plots, chasing off Palestinians who try to reach them, Etkes said. At other times, Israeli authorities seize land to build army posts or roads between settlements. Once a road is built, villagers can rarely reach the land beyond it, he said.

    At the same time, Israel refuses to let the village pave the mile-long road to the highway and regularly bulldozes it shut, calling it “illegal” and forcing villagers to make a 13-mile detour.

    Muqbil said he has lost two of his three plots to settlements. The army confiscated one in 1982 and settlers now grow grapes on it. Settlers chased him from another in 2003, then planted olive trees, he said.

    His remaining plot, near the Shvut Rachel settlement, has been a battleground since 2000. Settlers have plowed up his wheat, harvested his olives, prevented him from working and even beat him up, he said. In 2007, a settler uprooted his 300 trees with a bulldozer.

    In Shiloh, a town of 2,200 people, billboards advertise new homes, and foundations have been laid for about 10 new buildings. The community has two schools, a seminary, three synagogues and a swimming pool, said Medad.

    The Bible gives Jews the right to live in Shiloh, she said.

    “In most of the Western world, when you swear on the Bible, you are swearing that Shiloh is Jewish,” she said.

    Medad and her husband immigrated from Great Neck, N.Y., to Israel in 1970. She said when they came to Shiloh the hills were covered with wildflowers because “nobody had ever walked here, nobody had cultivated it, nobody owned it.”

    She is 60 and vows no peace deal can make her leave.

  14. Voting is a method for a group such as a meeting or an electorate to make a decision or express an opinion—often following discussions, debates, or election campaigns. Democracies elect holders of high office by voting.

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    We have a Congress that has a caucus on every foreign country. There is no House caucus on the US citizen. After this vote for sanctions against Iran, I can only conclude that this Congress is the enemy of the American people. In the next Congressional elections 95 % of these rascals should be thrown out.

  16. We have a Congress that has a caucus on every foreign country. There is no House caucus on the US citizen. After this vote for sanctions against Iran, I can only conclude that this Congress is the enemy of the American people. In the next Congressional elections 95 % of these rascals should be thrown out. bifocal reading glasses for men

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