Like the gleeful sound one makes upon hearing that a particularly obnoxious and troublesome relative will not be attending a family gathering, Washington officials probably issued a collective sigh of relief when hearing the news that Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin...
The National Endowment for Democracy’s Kyrgyzstan Legacy
This is a photo of an undercover policeman kicking the head of a Kyrgyz demonstrator this week. The National Endowment for Democracy and the Bush adminsitration were proud of their role in the uprising that led to the current government taking power in Kyrgyzstan....
Ominous in Afghanistan
The most ominous thing about Obama in Afghanistan is that Bush at least did us the courtesy of lying about Iraq as if "we the people" actually mattered. --Serious Soundbytes
Ellsberg, Schell in NYC: A World Without Nuclear Weapons
Peace Action Fund of New York State and The Nation Institute present A World Without Nuclear Weapons: Obama’s Vision, Our Mission with Daniel Ellsberg, whistle-blower, nuclear expert and star of the Academy Award-nominated documentary, The Most Dangerous Man in...
Re: US Choppers Slaying Reporters, Civilians
The disturbing footage of the US military in action will be excused by many conservative warmongers in one of two ways (or perhaps both). One, although the incident is unfortunate, collateral damage is inevitable, and this incident should not discredit the greater...
Wikileaks Releases Video of US Choppers Slaying Reporters, Civilians
Warning: Very Disturbing Footage July 12, 2007 From WikiLeaks has released a classified US military video depicting the indiscriminate slaying of over a dozen people in the Iraqi suburb of New Baghdad -- including two Reuters news staff. Reuters...
Extremist Blogs Could be Next!
From today's Washington Post website - "FBI warns extremist letters may encourage violence" By EILEEN SULLIVAN and DEVLIN BARRETT The Associated Press Friday, April 2, 2010; 9:34 AM .... The article ominously notes: " In the past year, federal agents have seen an...
The Incredible Lightness of Being Thomas Friedman
I don’t want this blog to get obsessed with any one individual, and I fear that we’re moving in that direction with Tom Friedman, the main foreign-policy columnist at the New York Times and named by an insiders’ poll at the National Journal last year as...
Obama’s Challenge: Iran, Nuclear Weapons and the Fate of the Middle East
On Thursday, April 1st, KUCR 88.3FM and the University of California at Riverside's Highlander Newspaper present best-selling author and journalist Reese Erlich on Obama's Challenge: Iran, Nuclear Weapons and the Fate of the Middle East with a panel discussion...