Earlier this week Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu once again claimed that when they attacked the Mavi Marmara peace convoy on May 31 in international waters, the high-seas Israeli pirates — euphemistically called "commandos" — were acting in self-defense. The Israeli Pirates murdered at least 19, wounded dozens more, and "arrested" (kidnapped) many others.
By Mr. Netanyahu’s interesting logic, when a tanker crew resists Somali pirates, the pirates would claim they were justified in murdering, wounding, and/or kidnapping the tanker crew because the pirates — not the crew — were acting in self-defense.
Similarly, when a homeowner resists home invaders, the invaders were justified in killing, wounding, and/or kidnapping the homeowner and his family and guests because the home invaders — not the homeowner — were acting in self-defense.
This flawed and self-serving reversal of logic is called "blaming the victim" and seems to be a favorite — if disgusting — ploy regularly invoked by Israeli Government spokes-people.
The REAL question is:
"Why do representatives of the Israeli Government regularly get away with such obviously flawed and self-serving arguments, unchallenged, in front of God, U.S. Main Stream Media, and the whole world?"
And, yes, of course the Israelis have the right to defend themselves – – – when they don’t use piracy, home invasion, etc. But so do the Palestinians.