ElBaradei Arrives

Via Al Jazeera:

A coalition of opposition groups has agreed on a provisional government led by former UN nuclear agency chief Mohamed ElBaradei. In fifteen minutes or so, he will arrive in Liberation Square to address the people. Developing …

“Change is coming in the next few days,” ElBaradei told the crowd, according to news reports.

“You have taken back your rights and what we have begun cannot go back… We have one main demand – the end of the regime and the beginning of a new stage, a new Egypt.”

“I bow to the people of Egypt in respect. I ask of you patience.”

13 thoughts on “ElBaradei Arrives”

  1. The US is hanging on to Mubarek by a thread because they hate and fear ElBaradei who resisted the invasion of Iraq and was right on the WMD paranoia. ElBaradei might spark a real Arab revolution and that scares capitalists who worry that the Empire would be threatened by publics demanding the end of oppressive dictatorships and the beginning of economic and social justice.

    1. "…spark a real Arab revolution and that scares capitalists…"

      "…spark a real Arab revolution and that scares fascists…"

      1. Thank you for reading my mind. I was going to recommend an amendment reading "spark a real Arab revolution that scares global state-corporatists…"

    2. IMHO, if the US hated or only feared ElBradei, he would have been killed already.
      I guess the USG wants to have some control about the future, and the have an ass in the sleeve.
      If Egyptians are smart they wont accept anorher dictator just 'cause he has another face.
      Personally, I wouldn't trust a guy who has made it so high up, such guys had supporters and were tested very well by those who were in power. I wouldn't trust such a guy from my experience.

      1. There are many neo hawks who wonder why the CIA wasn't assigned to kill ElBaradei. Those opposing that policy probably reasoned that the price of international condemnation wasn't worth it. Some of the hawks are having misgivings. Listen to Bolton who wants to violently crush the Egyptian insurrection.

  2. Sorry if I missed this point being made on another thread – but …

    I kept hearing MSM talk of Washington being "surprised" by what is happening in Egypt. Accepting that at face value means that yet again, despite the tons of money provided to "intelligence" agencies, Washington seems to be completely in the dark about what is happening in nations it claims to the American people be of "vital" interest to Uncle Sam.

    1. The point about the thread is that the Administration hesitates to abandon Mubarek in case he rides out the rebellion by using extreme force and violence.

  3. MSMis foucing only the looting and prisons escapewithout bothering to tell truth about who is really doing the looting,or that Mubarak has throwen thousands in prison for simply challenging his dictatorship.

  4. As head of IAEA El Baradei was a mixed bag. He was not without integrity and put up some resistance, but he also bent under US pressure to a certain extent.

    1. So long as the US remains the sole superpower it will retain some influence. ElBaradei and Hans Blix put up strong resistance. Egyptians know ElBaradei. If they can come up with anyone who is incorruptible and has political integrity (a tall order anywhere) more power to them.

  5. Send this or Email it to all senators that you know..

    For democracy to function democracy needs to empower democracy.., the principals in democracy prohibits empowering dictatorial, tyrants and or apartheid regimes..; therefore,

    "As an American citizen, I am deeply ashamed of my government's lukewarm response to the protests in Egypt. President Obama and Vice-President Biden have an opportunity to influence the outcome in favor of a more democratic Egypt. Thus far, they have squandered that chance. I urge all my fellow Americans to contact their senators, representatives, and the White House. It is time to call on Washington to stop supporting tyrants and dictators. It is time for out vaunted American gospel of democracy to be more than empty words and hollow gestures. It is time for a free world, and a Free Egypt!"

  6. Egypt needs a leader who will put his country's interests first and foremost. ElBaradei would likely be that kind; he wouldn't be a tool of the U.S. and Israel.

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