from LobeLog: News and Views Relevant to U.S.-Iran relations for February 15th, 2011: The Heritage Foundation: The Heritage Foundation’s Ted R. Bromund and James Philips make their against a U.S. policy of containment against Iran, preferring the “military...
Fox “News” — Clueless on the Concept
Fox News is reporting that the Iranian pro-democracy protest movement is gearing up, inspired by the Egyptian revolution, and so who do they go to for an interview -- "Crown Prince" Reza Pahlavi, son of the hated Shah! UPDATE: There's no video up yet, but here's the...
Newt Gingrich, Loser
Are we to be spared nothing? Christiane Amanpour prefaces her interview with Newt Gingrich this morning on her boring Sunday tv program by saying the Newtster is running for president and is fresh from the CPAC conference -- he then bloviates on about how we...
Let the Meddling Begin Anew!
Most of the world wanted Obama and Clinton and especially Biden to just shut up as Egypt's popular revolution played out. The revolution, having succeeded in forcing out the main figure in just 18 days of peaceful protest, goes on, and will likely be carried into the...
Monday Iran Talking Points
from LobeLog: News and Views Relevant to U.S.-Iran relations for February 14th, 2011: The Washington Post: On her “Right Turn†blog, Jennifer Rubin asks “Will Obama now reverse course on Iran?†“We should re-evaluate the ongoing, useless talks with the...
Ron Paul at CPAC: ‘People Don’t Like Us Propping Up Dictators’
Ron Paul supporters appear to be dominating this conservative event. Yesterday, Cheney and Rumsfeld were booed with calls of "Where's Bin Laden" "murdering scum," and "draft dodger." Here's Ron Paul's speech: Immediately after the speech, Ron was interviewed by Wolf...
Rather than admit how wrong he was about Egypt -- he was sure the despot was firmly entrenched -- Daniel Larison, The American Conservative's resident foreign policy maven, is berating me for mentioning his prediction that the Egyptian despot would survive: "It’s...
Gallery of Failed ‘Experts’: Ambassador Marc Ginsberg
It's amazing how many "expert" know-it-alls, the kind who populate cable tv-land, were not only dead wrong about the outcome of the Egyptian events, but had an ideological axe to grind in objectively supporting a loathesome dictator. Take, for example, Marc...
Friday Iran Talking Points
from LobeLog: News and Views Relevant to U.S.-Iran relations for February 11th, 2011: The Weekly Standard: Stephen Schwartz writes on “Iran’s Conspiracy Industry†and observes that “conspiracy theories have long flourished in the lands of Islam.†Schwartz...
Egypt and the “Experts”: How Wrong They Were
The fall of Hosni Mubarak isn't just an occasion to cheer the demise of a dictatorship, it's also a golden opportunity to celebrate the downfall of all-too-many "experts" whose complacency, deference to power, and complete ignorance of the situation on the ground led...