[photo by George Robert Newcomb antiwar rally by the White House on March 19, 2011]
According to some Obama supporters, the U.S. bombing of Libya is a self-evident triumph of good over evil.
Why? Because we’re the good guys, and Obama said the people the U.S. is killing are bad guys.
Defense Secretary Gates has become indignant at the suggestion that the U.S. bombing is killing a significant number of Libyan civilians. That is impossible, because Obama is pure-hearted.
It will be entertaining to watch pro-war liberals struggle to justify killing Libyans (civilian and otherwise) in the coming days/weeks/months.
As long as the war industry is making money, the killings will be justified. The security bubble will pop when we can't afford to keep inflating it. Besides, it's not like our interventions are some big mystery. The only thing that changes when we intervene are the bank accounts the money is funneled into. Look at Iraq and Afghanistan for example.
Even the intrepid Juan Cole is supporting and giving cover to Obama for the 'no-fly' slaughter. How utterly expedient of Professor Cole. Disgraceful maybe but certainly expedient.
Kill Libya Vol 1. Good show. Saudi and Kuwaiti invasion of Bahrain Vol 1.1, good show.
Base and immoral hypocrisy? Ain't nobody paying any attention whatsoever. Well you know, outside the Antiwar.com sphere of influence.
Hi Ms. Erin the intern. You rock girlfriend.
>It will be entertaining to watch pro-war liberals struggle to justify killing Libyans (civilian and otherwise) in the coming days/weeks/months.
And that they will, without a scintilla of irony or shame.
While civilian casualties are important, and shouldn't be ignored, the most important reason for opposing what's happening in Libya now is that it is a war of aggression against Libya by the United States. Of course, they've dressed it up as another "coalition", who are constantly referred to as "allies" in the media. Anybody who is honest knows that the bombing from the air over Tripoli wouldn't be happening without the U.S. leading the way. We've seen this movie before with Iraq circa 1990-91. A brutal dictator engaged in wrong doing is being confronted by a "coalition" with a "limited" mission. What followed was a U.S. war of aggression against Iraq that is still ongoing to this day.
The only question on the table is whether Washington will keep Libya together or partition it. One thing that is almost guaranteed to happen is that there will be a U.S. military base built in Libya, most likely in the Benghazi area. When Washington flexes its military muscle somewhere in the world where it doesn't have a military base, a military base eventually gets built. Just like in the Persian Gulf, the former Yugoslavia and Afghanistan. And once a base gets built that means that U.S. soldiers will be occupying the country for many years to come. This is why I'm still shaking my head at these naive world leaders who bought Washington's "limited mission" line. Does anybody have a memory longer than one year anymore?
The strategic reason for wanting a base in Libya should be obvious enough. Washington's hold on Egypt has been severely weakened and this an opportunity to set up shop next door.
We had a base in Libya, Wheelus AFB, until Qaddafi kicked us out. Maybe we can take it back, do a bit of grass resodding, fix the swimming pools, recharge the air conditioners … already has runways and everything we need to spread war throughout North Africa.
I'm thinking they'll want to build a new one on the other side of the country in the Benghazi area. I don't think they're going to want to set up shop in Gaddafi's strong hold. There would be too much hostility in Tripoli, whereas there would be gratitude in Benghazi for helping free them from domination by Gaddafi via Tripoli. At least in the short term there would gratitude. As we all know Washington has a way of wearing out its welcome pretty fast in its colonies.
This is why I think they might go for a repartitioning of Libya. It would be easier for them to create a puppet government in Benghazi than Tripoli.
Just a continuation of the imperial overstretch that will lead to the demise of the USA.
The Crusaders that slaughtered thousands in the Middle East were pure-hearted, too. All you had to do was ask them, they'd talk your ears off about how pure their hearts were when they killed women and children in God's name.
All the killings committed in the name of "god" are "pure-hearted" and will help on the road to "heaven" regardless of the religious ideology murderers subscribe to.
It is part of irrational belief in faith.
days/weeks/months …. or perhaps that's optimistic. Maybe years.
I don’t know if anyone believes this story, but it’s true and I’ll repeat it forever: David Limbaugh on Mark Levin’s radio show a few years back claimed that everything–everything–America did is right because it’s America doing it.
Considering that theologians are still debating whether or not everything God does is right because he’s doing it or because it’s right in itself, that’s quite a claim Limbaugh is making. It also explains why knaves and imbeciles defend America’s gratuitous bloodshed and wars; by definition, those actions are right and good things.
I understand the desire to protect peaceful civilians protesting (Bharain, Yemen) but in Libya, the guys driving around in trucks with 4 barrel heavy machine guns stretch the definition of peaceful civilians. If you take up arms, you can resonably expect an armed response. NATO is backing one side in a civil war. Let's hope their Libyan friends are better than their KLA friends; somehow I doubt it.
oh, my lady gaga! marc, with all the press coverage, the blogs, the tweeterings, etc, yours is the first
comment i've seen that the guys running around with machine guns, throwing grenades, lobbing
mortars maybe aren't civilians. obama seems to be telling us everyone on the anti-gaddafi side
are expectant mothers or nuns in wheelchairs and MUST BE SAVED.
The rebels are helpless against Ghadafi air power. In comes NATO to slaughter the Ghadafi forces that are now helpless against NATO air power. When do the Martians show up to enforce a no fly zone on NATO?
this time is different…. I know you guys think of yourselves as very smart/smug but you'll see.
I opposed all u.s. wars but this one.
Buddy that is not enough, You don't give any reasons. Understand, war with untrue excuses after war with untrue excuses is having no credibility. It is finally starting to wake up the brains of Americans. The president got into office complaining about the very same things, now he is doing them. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cmNCALGHOC4&fe…
That does not make us thinking we are smart or smug that makes us exhausted
And your reasons?
This war is the same as all the other wars. To kill and occupy a country in order to steal its
resources and to please the Zionist entity
, especially in the U.S.
As America kills civilians in Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan , Libya; their friends in Israel are murder-
ing young boys playing soccer. It's down right PUKEY.
James, it isn't just that Gates considers Obama "pure hearted", it is that he thinks America is "pure hearted", that force can only be used for good…the US Navy Ad on the television says as much
"Gott Mit Uns". God [is] With Us. This was the motto of the German Army in World War I and World War II. Every German Wehrmacht soldier during World War II had this motto on his belt buckle. The motto goes back earlier with Frederick I of Prussia. Every military force believes that God is with them. The U.S. equivalent is "God Bless[ed] America", a second anthem. The meaning is the same: Gott Mit Amerika", God [is] With America. This is a Jungian universal archetype of all humanity and all mankind. Every army has to justify its killing and raping and destruction. The modus operandi is to have God or morality on our side. This lessens the guilt for what we know is murder or homicide. It goes back to primitive man, to the jungle, when men had to create a Manichean system, Us or Them, Good or Evil, Tribe or Stranger. There can be no gray areas. In order to kill another human being, we need a black and white dichotomy, Good versus Evil. if there is any iota of doubt, it is no good. We need absolute certainty and conviction. The Enemy is always Evil. We are always Good. God is always with us.
It's true GOD loves when America goes to war and kills kid's and civilians for there resorces.It's time the military sees that the government only cares for $ and between them and the civilians they can have a government that don't spit on the constitution they swore to uphold.
1- There is no doubt in my mind that US and NATO countries been dealing among themselves paving the way for third world war. Afghanistan, Iraq and now Libya allied cooperation’s making them stronger in what they are about to start. All along they have said that they are in fight with Arab national and others who dress differently or speak another language because the government killing people.., or they might do that even when there is no evidence of such, that was the case in Yugoslavia, so is the case with Israel for last 50 years and since 2003 is Afghanistan, Iraq and now Libya. George W. Bush and Clinton killed people in Iraq, Yugoslavia and Obama is continuing doing it in Afghanistan and now Libya.., where is your justice on that…, We have said all along that this is a Neo Fascism fin toned and modernized version of a old emperor doing its best to control the world economy by occupying countries which produce what Neo Fascism militarism regimes need (Oil) for feature wars .
2- US after Vietnam war learned the lesson that it can not continue alone, Bill Clinton implemented the idea cooperating with NATO when he started preemptive Balkan war, since then Europeans have joined the task and now Turkey is helping out.., here Turkeys help has its own demands and needs to be ratified when Turkey become a new and fully member of European Union (EU), therefore everyone is welcomed by the Neo Fascism to have piece of cake from Middle East to Central Asia and now Libya.., I wonder when is going to chock while they eating the cake that’s not belongs to them.
Hi guys! I’m glad to see you fight against war. We do it too. Please look at this position from Russia: http://community.livejournal.com/ja_za_kaddafi/57…
subscribe the petition against war: http://www.ipetitions.com/petition/free-libya/
Please contact our group “STOP THIS F*CKING WAR” in Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/home.php?sk=group_1007103…
It should be better if we’ll can synchronize our fighting.