Under pressure from everyone, the State Department reversed an earlier decision to deny prominent Afghan activist Malalai Joya a visa for a three-week speaking tour for her new book, A Woman Among Warlords: The Extraordinary Story of an Afghan Who Dared to Raise Her Voice.” Joya told reporters last week that she was denied because — get this — she is “unemployed” and “lives underground.” Seeing that she is an accomplished author who has dodged fists and assassins, called a prostitute and communist and needs to live underground else she might die, this seemed weirdly obtuse if not petty.
That is if you weren’t familiar with Joya in the first place. She is one bad-ass woman, to put it plainly. And everyone has loved her for her brave and brutal verbal attacks on the corruption in the Afghan government and on the continued neglect of women’s rights. But “the bravest woman in Afghanistan” has also been a relentless critic of the continuing U.S military occupation in Afghanistan, and for that she had seemingly fallen from grace and into the status of a “problem,” one that cannot be allowed to infect our domestic audience with her authentic reaction to American policy in Afghanistan.
Joya’s supporters — of which there are many, obviously — rallied her cause in part by bombarding Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s office with phone calls and emails. The decision to grant her a visa was made today, just before her scheduled speech at Harvard tomorrow. So the message managers engaging in their usual game of “preferred speakers” were not able to get away with it this time. It seems to me all too conspicuous that they would try to shut her out, after giving her visas for numerous previous trips to the U.S, just about the same time Gen. David Petraeus and Company were running around Washington trying to drum up positive reasons why we need to stay in Afghanistan.
Now let’s see if the corporate mainstream media gives her any coverage.
"Now let’s see if the corporate mainstream media gives her any coverage."
Well of course the mainstream media will give Ms. Joya coverage. Just about the time that pigs take to sprouting wings, flying precision holding patterns over downtown Jerusalem, and then and then, making a 'pig fly-over' next year's SuperDuper Bowl LVXCI whatever.
Cause you know, Christiane Amanpour promised that IF something like that were to ever happen well, she'd book Ms. Joya in a blink.
"Now let’s see if the corporate mainstream media gives her any coverage."
Nah their CIA handlers couldn't allow them to do that.
If the United States would just withdraw from Afghanistan and give one half of one years Afghan military budget to a special relief and welfare fund for micro loans for looms and sheep and other commerce we would never have Pashtuns as enemies again. Malalai Joya is the only Afghan Official I would trust to over see this fund.
America would love Malalai Joya if they knew her and how she could help America escape the occupation of her Country. I would like to encourage everyone to try to get on talk Radio Shows and try to introduce Joya and her book " A Woman among Warlords".
Malalai Joya is a zionist puppet and is promoted by the Trotskysts and psedo 'leftist'. The US government front Campaign for Peace and Democracy, CPD, a front for US government, and zmag, funded by Soros and a CIA agent, Gloria Steinem are promoting Joya, many believe Pakistan's agent who promote ethnic hated, against Tajick pro Pashtun. Don't be a fool. She supported Taleban. You cannot see one line against Israeli's treatment of Palestinians and never ever mentions 'zionism' like the phony 'left' and 'progressives'. She cannot be trusted. She is promoted by the zionists.
She was given the following award:
{The International Human Rights Film Award goes with a 5.000 Euro cash prize to projects of the awarded activist.For her efforts for peace, women's rights and democracy in Afghanistan the jury has decided to award politician and activist Malalai Joya this year's International Human Rights Film Award.}
Afghanis claim that she was born in Pakistan, not Afghanistan. Thus, many believeshe is a ISI agaent.
Hi John, thanks for that read. I think you should look at the good things she has done for Women and children and not be upset that Pashtuns are from both Countries.
I used to have a Great Grand father that ran on the Socialist Ticket for US Congress back in the 1930's, so What? That does not make me a Socialist ( I am terrified of Government) but I do think the US does owe a debt of repentance to all the People of Afghanistan and Pakistan. Joya is by far the logical choice to over see large programs that help the People improve their lives and find happeiness. Despite which clubs or orginazations her family belongs to.
She is respected by the World because they know that her Heart is pure.
Peace be unto thee.
It's smoky in here today, lets open a window…. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iLC1KBrwbck
Joya is promoted by the ZIONISTS as 'leader' to their future operation in Afghanistan. Afghanis are against her and they don't know why an almost illiterate person who was born in Pakistan should be presented as a 'leader' by the sites, like Campaig for peace and democracy, CPD, and Louis proyect, a zionist pose as 'anti imperialist', and Democracy Now funded by George Soros, working for ziofascists, Rothschild family? Edward Herman in his article showed that CPD is behind US department agenda but pose as phony 'antiwar'. Don't believe the zionist campaign where want to construct another puppet as 'leader'. Afghani people view her as ISI and zionist agent.
Why do trolls have to post things over and over again? We got your conspiricy theory the first time! re-posting just shows your a nut job
"If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State.” Joseph Goebbels
Be at Peace Niloufar, If Joya becomes President of Afghanistan it would be the best thing that ever happened to Iran and Pakistan not to mention surronding Countries. Please Forgive the Pashtuns so Afghani's can live in Peace.
The House of Rothchild has ruled Earth for Centuries and not always for good. If the New World Order was to include Leaders like Joya in it, I would see this as a positive reform and I would be able to re think my fear of King THOR. Deals have been made this way for ever and when Americans, Irani and Pashtuns and Tajiks can all be standing together side by side to speak out about the abuse of the Palestinian by the Zionist we will break the binds of fear and hatred. Peace.
I am asking for Nobel peace price to be returned and for next president of USA or the president of republic of France or the servants’ of Queen of England and Bank of England to have their commitments in writing and signed mailing it to eligible voter so the elected officials cannot change their story or promises’ they make before people voting for them. It would be a document which people would have in their hand when they demand the wrong doing by elected to be impeached, resign, prosecuted and any other lawful means that is out there. The law makers don’t do it, so there must be rule of law allowing people to do it.
At the same time.., there should be a law when and if a elected official is proven to be guilty of a crime.., no matter what sort of lying or dishonesty.., then they are no longer be eligible for receiving their pension, nor a office paid by tax payers, nor the costs of a Library, or free travel by Airlines and or government entities nor secret service protection and not a book signing deal and while they are questioned by law enforcement their photos should be put on internet for people to recognize them.
?Ha, that’s actually a really good suggestion. Thanks so much for this!