Susan Rice’s Viagra Hoax: The New Incubator Babies

On Thursday, US ambassador Susan Rice announced that Libyan government troops were being issued Viagra and told to rape as a terror weapon. She made the comment as part of a debate with another envoy to highlight that “the coalition is confronting an adversary doing reprehensible things.” Several diplomats said Rice provided no evidence for the Viagra allegation, which they said was made in an attempt to persuade doubters the conflict in Libya was not just a standard civil war but a much nastier fight in which Gadhafi is not afraid to order his troops to commit heinous acts.

However, today, MSNBC was told by US military and intelligence officials that there is no basis for Rice’s claims. While rape has been reported as a “weapon” in many conflicts, the US officials say they’ve seen no such reports out of Libya.

This sort of tactic is nothing new. It is reminiscent of the incubator babies story. In the run-up to the first gulf war in 1990, a tearful Kuwaiti girl testified before a congressional committee that she had witnessed Iraqi troops removing premature babies from incubators and stealing the incubators, levaing the babies to die. The story was used to promote the attack on Iraq, and continues to be cited as a reason for going to war in 1991.

However, the story has been widely debunked. The girl who made the allegations turned out to the daughter of the Kuwaiti ambassador the US, a resident of Washington, DC. Investigations by human rights groups and others found no evidence that the event ever occurred, or that the ambassdor’s daughter was even in Kuwait at the time.

My guess is that the Viagra story will still be repeated years from now as a reason we attacked Libya.

Truth is the first casualty of war.

328 thoughts on “Susan Rice’s Viagra Hoax: The New Incubator Babies”

  1. "While rape has been a weapon of choice in many other African conflicts, the US officials say they've seen no such reports out of Libya." This needs to be in quotes as it's ripped directly from the MSNBC piece. Also, it's just crap: War rape isn't just an African thing.

  2. Th real rapists are NATO who are raping Libya and Arab nations all with the backing of a few impotent war hawks like Qatar and Saudi Arabi while they crush dissent at hom. So much for rape allegations do you know in Saudi Arabia women can't even drive? Atleast the women in Libya are freer than in American puppetocracies like Suadi Arabi. Fact is Libyan enjpoyed the highest GDP per capita in Africa before NATO has turned them into Somalia now.. with Al Qaeda like militias just like the Al Shabab in Somalia armed with rockets drugs and CIA dirty money. SHame on NATO for raping the Arab motherland just like they raped Vietnam and lost. SHame on UN for encouraging and endorsing NATO operations in LIbya. Is this the humanitarianism of the UN? People who had food oil and gas are now forced to beg in Libya. Shame on United Nations! Is this how you spread democracy? Thanks but no thanks Libya was better off before your drugs militias bombs and missiles! STOP THE WAR IN LIBYA NOW! STOP THE WAR COALITION.

  3. This is also much like "we are doing it for the women" theme used in Afghanistan. And considering that Gaddafi is only a pale reflection of the destruction and death dealt out by the west it is also hypocritical for Rice to make such stupid claims. This is propaganda pure and simple.

    1. st GDP per capita in Africa before NATO has turned them into Somalia now.. with Al Qaeda like militias just like the Al Shabab in Somalia armed with rockets drugs and CIA dirty money. SHame on NATO for raping the Arab motherland just like they raped Vietnam and lost. SHame on UN for encouraging and endorsing NATO operations in LIbya. Is this the humanitarianism of the UN? People who had food oil and gas are now forced to beg in Cadastro de Patrimônio

  4. Might Rice (whom just may be Condoleeza's evil clone doppelgänger) be suggesting that "Libyan troops" are aging and therefore unable to 'get it up'? I mean, that's sort of rude. How would Susie 'creamcheese' Rice know, factually, whether Libyan troops are flaccid and/or otherwise?
    Mercy and you can say one thing about US diplomats, they're not very lucid or enlightened in the intellectual prowess department.

    1. Get it up for how many a day? No one doubts that 20-something men can do it 4-8 times a day without Viagra. But how many times can they do it with unlimited Viagra?

  5. "Truth is the first casulaty of war"…

    Especially in America, the home of yellow jouralism. The "incubator" story was totally bogus and could have been easily discounted. But American journalism is a joke.

    1. As I recall the incubator story, they supposedly took the babies outside, threw them in the air and speared them on bayonets. It is the sort of thing you wish was true, even if it isn't. Why can't foreign enemies be vicious enough to make such stories true?

    2. The much bigger Joke is the tens of millions of ovine sheeple, known as the Amoricon public, who swallow the media garbage whole.

    3. I really like less, and received a few emails from people telling me I should put it into Base Building Blocks by default, so I think making a less-based system the default is a good media statistics

  6. Madeleine Albright, Hillary Clinton, Condoleeza Rice, Janet Reno and now Susan Rice…the worst kind of evil in a dress America has.
    Truly all destined for the gallows.

    1. They would be, in a just world. But they'll live out their days in a standard of wealth, luxury, comfort and security most Americans couldn't even imagine.

    2. This is a very good start for a list of incompetent U.S. govt officials. Certainly Condoleeza Rice and Susan Rice are mediocre at best, and that is a most generous assessment. Madeleine Albright and Hillary Clinton are both very clever and many consider them "educated" because of the elite universities they attended. Both, however, are far worse than the two Mme Rices, because they should know better. In actuality, Albright and Clinton are self-serving, ambitious, amoral, and criminals of sociopathic character. These four plus George Bush and Obama and many of their administrations should be put on trial for war crimes. This will not happen because Obama deliberately chose an attorney general without the character,courage, or patriotism to do so.

    3. Well Said Rick. Its great to see this Evil being 'Outed'
      How much longer will they think we believe them?

      'Susan beware of the Devil…when you look in the mirror

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  7. That how they do things. Once you bring sex into it the "new" Puritans i.e reactionary Americans,"white,black and other", loose their minds just as how some fanatical Muslims loose their minds should they interpret a slur or insult to Allah.
    The ironic thing is that many of these "new" Puritans who "rail" about sex and sexual things are often found out to be some real dangerous sexual perverts.
    It's interesting that in their moments of desperation, these criminals like Rice have no compunction to try the intelligence of the mob.

    1. Might Rice (whom just may be Condoleeza's evil clone doppelgänger) be suggesting that "Libyan troops" are aging and therefore unable to 'get it up'? I mean, that's sort of rude. How would Susie 'creamcheese' Rice know, factually, whether Libyan troops are flaccid and/or otherwise?
      Mercy and you can say one thing about US diplomats, they're not very lucid or enlightened in the intellectual prowess departmen Voulosa

  8. so when americans bride afghan tribal leaders with big bags of viagra thats winning hearts and mind but if some one else (un-)allegedly that a good reason to start a war

    1. Might Rice (whom just may be Condoleeza's evil clone doppelgänger) be suggesting that "Libyan troops" are aging and therefore unable to 'get it up'? I mean, that's sort of rude. How would Susie 'creamcheese' Rice know, factually, whether Libyan troops are flaccid and/or otherwise?
      Mercy and you can say one thing about US diplomats, they're not very lucid or enlightened in the intellectual prowess department. Stansberry & Associates

  9. Syria's Muslim Brotherhood accused the regime of President Bashar al-Assad on Friday of carrying out genocide in the country and called on citizens not to yield to tyrants.
    "Every Syrian citizen knows that the regime is perpetrating genocide on Syrian territory, which is targeting the desire for emancipation expressed by the revolt of young patriots aspiring to liberty and dignity," the group said in a statement obtained by AFP.
    "God created you free; do not let the tyrants keep you in slavery," the statement added. "Cry with one voice for liberty and dignity." Source Al Ahram News.

    Above are the words used by Muslim Brotherhood whom hade a meeting with Hillary Clinton almost two months ago in Egypt.., later she hade a meeting with Libyan Council in Paris before escalation of war in Libya. Before anything lets release the facts…, according to all and almost every reports.., part of this Council is former Libyan generals whom been living in Virginia for last 20 years…, paid for their luxury living with dental benefits by US government.., for other part is the Muslim Brotherhood in cooperation with all other Islamist terrorists groups like Al Qaeda and others from Afghanistan and elsewhere who fought Russian occupation of Afghanistan. By now everyone have read a line or two about them and to a point its been proven that it is a true story.., which indicates that: US/NATO-EU using the leftover’s by George Bush era to present Muslim Brotherhood to create another turmoil or war in Middle East.

    What is interesting here is that they use the wording ”God created you free; do not let the tyrants keep you in slavery and cry with one voice liberty and dignity” .

    If anyone in his or her conscious mined believed these words then they would understand that it is about Muslim Brotherhood and their dictatorial values and not the people in Syria nor any other country…, these words are simply used to fool people.., and here is the reason.., Muslim Brotherhood is a fundamentalists Islamic Group.., Liberty for them is based on the Islamic Dictatorial rule of Laws.., simply is a framed laws in Islamic dictatorial terms with no freedom for people…, it is not about the peoples freedom nor their liberty nor their dignity.., yet such system would serve the US and EU capitalism system because people have no say and Muslim Brotherhood social economic and their social politics is as Capitalist as their masters are: at the same time they support the US and NATO/EU new foreign policy based on the Iranian influence in the region; therefore, by the US/NATO-EU they are used as an Islamic instrument to stop the Iranians dictatorial influence…, here not only there is no dignity involved.., these people have no right to ask for the Syrian peoples dignity while themselves have non. The irony here is that: there is more then enough democracy present and to go around in Middle East.., yet US/NATO-EU once again using their idiocy rather then their intelligent to find out where that democracy is.

    For one: what kind of Liberty we are talking about here.., an Islamic dictatorial Liberty by being slaves to US/NATO and EU economical system while serving the intent of US/NATO-EU…, second: the most observable facts are that Muslims Brotherhood getting paid and supported by the Saudis and Arab Emirates Tyrants.., so why would they call the Syrian government a tyrant.., for at Muslim Brotherhood itself to become a neo Tyrants in Syria supporting all other tyrants..! third: Muslim Brotherhood have started a war against a legitimate regime in Libya.., are they doing that because they been told to stop the Iranians and all other influences and support that Libyan – Syrian government receives from African Union and others…, and therefore they have their own organized Islamic ”uprising” in Syria trying to divide people of all faith there and in Syria.., which questions the fact if they are not working for Israel then why they are against Libyan and Syrian legitimate governments., if that’s not the case then they must been promised something by Hillary Clinton when they meet in Egypt and then Paris.., could that message be about dividing Libya and if they win the war then East Libya as their Islamic Sanctuary is theirs to keep whereby such attainment US/NATO-EU would buy their Oil…,! fourth: what kind of dignity is it that these religious fundamentalists’ with a non democratic vision talking about when they have soled their own dignity to the imp himself .

    From day one these people were supported by Hillary Clinton and Obama, Sarkozi, Cameron, Italian Mafiosi and Swedish government for one and one reason only.., creation of a Islamic regime in North Africa; furthermore.., we said that these westerns falsified democratic governments…, as their last resort supporting terrorism groups…, trying to divide Libya to East and West where the Muslim brotherhood would have its own Islamic Sanctuary.., George Bush Sr. practice that by giving Afghanistan to Osama Bin Laden and US/NATO were supportive as long as Al Qaueda were fighting the communist regime in Afghanistan and the USSR occupation.., these governments doing it again this time in Libya, Algeria, Tunisia and Morocco. Muslim Brotherhood can use big words.., but when it comes to reality they are as false as US and EU democracy is.

  10. Letr us not ignore the fact that behind these idiotic claims and lies , stands israel and its appetite for everything that does not belong to it.
    Spreading the unrest in the Middle East and bringing the NATO and US will ease isrels barbaric desires for more land beyond Palestine.

  11. america has sunk to the lowest any country in the history of mankind.completely bankrupt, and the laughing stock of the world a large standing army of murderers,rapist,torturers.

  12. You had the same in Bosnia. At one point "the rape of women and the castration of men" was being used as part of "systematic campaign of genocide," said so Doris Pack. Naturally it was all bollocks.

  13. Susan Rice, you are an embarrassment! Please resign. If you don't, I hope the President ask you to resign.

    You are stupid!

  14. She's a politician first, woman second. Let's not degrade the entire gender calling her a bitch and a cunt.

  15. Well, I don't know why you doubt the veracity of this latest story of Libyan soldier/rapists being issued viagra. In fact, it is my understanding that a lot of them are HARDENED criminals!!!

    Seriously, this level of obvious fabrication is a new low, just in case you didn't think Obama couldn't outrace Bush to the bottom. What really amazes me is statements like this, being issued with a straght face (from the linked article):

    "A doctor in the Libyan city of Ajdabiya said last month that Kadhafi troops had been given viagra and condoms as part of a campaign of sexual violence."

    Excuse me? Viagra and CONDOMS? For a gang rape? When was the last time you heard of a rapist bothering with condoms? And why would you really need to issue viagra to mostly late teenage and early twenty year old soldiers? This sounds like something a sixtyish accountant might take to a whorehouse! Are these people for real?

    This garbage is so transparent, it makes me embarassed for them. What kind of human beings are people who can tell such ridiculous lies with a straight face?

    1. And here's another gem from the same article:

      "Margot Wallstrom, the UN special representative on sexual violence in conflict, issued a statement last week highlighting that reports of rapes in the Libya war have been "brutally silenced."

      Well, if these alleged reports are being so "brutally silenced," Margot, how is it that YOU heard them?

  16. We should issue Viagra to our own troops before setting them upon Afghan villages. Just as an experiment to see what happens.

    1. Considering that i don't see "becoming a sexual predator" listed as a side effect, I would guess they would just continue doing whatever they were doing with markedly tented BDU's.

  17. Going back to Gulf War I for a moment, why wasn't the ambassador's daughter prosecuted for lying to Congress? She committed perjury.

  18. Sorry for our US friends, the US as a superpower is finished. Not taken seriously anymore. You get caught lying once and that's it, they dont take you seriously anymore.

    This Viagra embarassment is just a cheap reminder.

    1. No American who is a regular visitor to this site would disagree with you.

    2. Mais non! In the first place who cares what "they" think? In the second, everyone lies. Everyone. It matters not one iota. What matters is mobility. So long as the US military has the fuel it can go anywhere and pulverize anyone. "They" can think whatever they like. A cruise million up the ol' wazoola is a rather major statement in itself.. and very hard to argue with.

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  19. You guys may think I talk too much but this Chucky meets Talking Tina and The Village People administration makes me feel like a sage. Who certified and licensed the site and operation of the Fukushima plant? Who certified putting the spent fuel pellet ponds over the reactors? Who was ambassador to the U.N. at THAT time? And attended Bohemia grove every year? Who operated on the back of B.O.'s head? Who for president next year? Susan 'Randy' Rice, Janet the Molester Or Hillary 0.38 Clinton?
    Head of the octopus…

  20. Their stories get more comic book-like every time. Ridiculous! I think the US military has them beat though with the gang raping and subsequent murder of 14 year-old little girls. …plus the numerous boys that have been raped. Rape is a common debauchery in all military! Only an fool or a sociopath would ever join any military voluntarily.

  21. More Shitistics™ and lies. The axis of evil (USA, Britain, and this time France) want to keep China out of the Mediterranean, oust Syria's leaders who are allied with Iran and oust Russia from it naval base in Syria, and of course steal the oil . The UN is just a puppet for NATO and the Zionist New World order for the Rothschild banking system to which Libya was about to create an alternative backed by gold. Is is too much to presume that Susan Rice's next vapid proclamation will be that the Viagra will also be used for sodomy proving that Gaddafi has weapons of ass destruction?

  22. You know this reminds me of when President Bush Sr decided he wanted to invade Panama. He started the rumor that the leader of Panama was allowing his military to rape women at will. Of course this was picked up by ABCNBCCBS and reported as the truth. Tom (just tell me what you want me to say) Brokaw referred to the leader of Panama as a "thug" in his newscast. Shortly after that Panama was invaded and many men, children, as well as women were killed by our military. At least the women Bush killed were no longer subject to rape.

    God what a great bunch of people we have running our government.

    1. Iraqi troops removing premature babies from incubators and stealing the incubators, levaing the babies to die. The story was used to promote the attack on Iraq, and continues to be cited as a reason for going to war in blender dishwasher

  23. According to a US inestigation led by Ramsey Clark the US military killed about 6,000 unarmed civilians in Ciudad de Panama in December 1989. By the way, it was revealed that the FBI killed Gaitan. CIA officer John Stockwell revealed that the CIA killed Lumumba. Fallujah is worse than Hiroshima. For evey terrorist the war criminal Obama kills he kills 50 kids and old people at the same time. Night-raids, some killed, some kidnapped, torture-rendition. DU-weapons used in the Libyan attack ? So, United Bluff became The Great Satan.

  24. Susan Rice, the Jeanne d'Arc of Humanitarian Intervention, inspiring the US Marines as they land in Libya – with our new battle hymn of the republic: 'The enemy takes Viagra!'.

    The 'Shores of Tripoli' are a far, far cry from Iwo Jima…

  25. Since when have fighting men in the field ever needed Viagra- or any other 'enhancement' to prepare themselves for copulation, forced or otherwise? Rape is a common method of spreading terror in various sub-Saharan African conflict zones, yet nowhere do we hear of the perpetrators needing Viagra to 'perform' in those areas.

    Propaganda, from first to last, and not a shred of evidence to back any of it up.

  26. The Libyan soldier/viagra story was reported on Al Jahzeera yesterday. The link for the report is:

    One thing I was surprised at in the report was the cleanliness of the bottles containing the viagra. IIRC, the report said something about the bottles being found in government tanks, but they looked like they were right out of the local drug store. I have spent considerable time in my life around tanks and military equipment, and in the field, there is nothing clean around a tactical vehicle.

  27. Whether Rice was able to provide evidence on Viagra allegation or not does not mean that these soldiers are not raping women. Rape has always been used as a “weapon” in conflicts. I don’t think it is necessary to name any, when we know that women and children are always the first targets in all the wars/conflicts. This conflict in Libya is certainly not an exception. Also, why would soldiers in their 20s and 30s need Viagra to rape???? I don’t understand why Viagra is even a highlight of this statement. Men under such pressure, fear, and build up anger can easily commit such crime without Viagra! Especially, when sex is not something they regularly get as if they would if there was no war. Now on pilled up anger and fear of dying, you add build up of testosterone – you got yourself a rapist.

    Further, I must say that I do not agree at all that Viagra story will be repeated as the reason we attacked Libya. The conflict started with peaceful protests to depose Gaddafi as the ruler and these protests eventually escalated into an armed conflict because Gaddafi failed to regain control. The situation in Libya is certainly not as superficial as just using Viagra and rape as an excuse to enter into the war.

  28. This sort of tactic is nothing new. It is reminiscent of the incubator babies story. In the run-up to the first gulf war in 1990, a tearful Kuwaiti girl testified before a congressional committee that she had witnessed Iraqi troops removing premature babies from incubators and stealing the incubators, levaing the babies to die. The story was used to promote the attack on Iraq, and continues to be cited as a reason for going to war in 1991.houston wedding limo

  29. Iran-Contra do over cha-cha! Where are you Oliver North, the Obama needs you.
    "High crimes and murderous treason are, at times, necessary to protect Caesa

  30. which they said was made in an attempt to persuade doubters the conflict in Libya, a resident of Washington, DC. This is propaganda pure and simple, very good

  31. Several diplomats said Rice provided no evidence for the Viagra allegation, which they said was made in an attempt to persuade doubters the conflict in Libya was not just a standard civil war but a much nastier fight in which Gadhafi is not afraid to order his troops to commit heinous acts.Loft conversion costs

  32. This is also much like "we are doing it for the women" theme used in Afghanistan. And considering that Gaddafi is only a pale reflection of the destruction and death dealt out by the west it is also hypocritical for Rice to make such stupid claims. This is propaganda pure and simple. been following their feed

  33. I was surprised at in the report was the cleanliness of the bottles containing the viagra. IIRC, the report said something about the bottles being found in government tanks, high pr blog commenting service

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