Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) continues to demand debate on the constitutionality of the PATRIOT Act. Sen. Harry Reid has accused Paul of supporting terrorists by delaying the extension of the act.
“He’s fighting for an amendment to protect the right – not of average citizens, but of terrorists – to cover up their gun” purchases, Sen. Harry Reid (D-NV) said on the Senate floor Wednesday. “If he thinks that it’s going to be a badge of courage on his side to have held this up for a few hours, he’s made a mistake … Unless the Senator from Kentucky stops standing in the way, our law enforcement will no longer be able to use some of the most critical tools they need to counter terrorists and combat terrorism.”
Paul and Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Patrick Leahy (D-VT) introduced an amendment that attempts to safeguard American’s civil liberties by increasing oversight of government surveillance powers. Reid has objected to debating this and other amendments, saying that any delay in passage endangers national security.
Paul spoke on the Senate floor yesterday: