’s Week in Review | December 23, 2011’s Week in Review | December 23, 2011IN THIS ISSUEVying for justice in the U.S. empireMaliki’s turn toward dictatorshipGovernment vs. military in PakistanAfghanistan is worseAssorted news from the empireWhat’s new at the blog?ColumnsAntiwar...

Is Hamas Going Non-Violent?

The entire U.N. Security Council, representing 14 countries, voted to condemn Israeli settlement expansion as criminal only to have the resolution vetoed by the U.S.. Those 14 members united yesterday to criticize the U.S. position as one that prolongs the stagnated...

Ethiopia: America’s Model for Civil Liberty?

Remember how the US contracted Ethiopia to "restore order" in Somalia? The East African dictatorship was to help install a UN-backed government of warlords and former communist apparatchiks in order to "free" Somalia. They ended up obliterating the delicate gains the...

Cenk Ugyur Has It Right

Progressive Cenk Ugyar, lefty blogger and sometime MSNBC host (purged for defecting from the Obama cult), has it right about Sean Hannity, Ron Paul, and Fox News.

The Madness of Adam Yoshida

Amid an avalanche of attacks on antiwar Republican presidential candidate Ron Paul, the latest (as of midnight on Tuesday) is one in the comically-named "American Thinker," a neocon web site for the intellectually challenged, which runs a piece by Adam Yoshida on "The...

Ron Paul’s “Loyal Aides”?

A Washington Post piece on Ron Paul's rise in the polls comes with the usual "but he can't win" caveat, and there's also this nugget: "Yet, while the libertarian-leaning Texas congressman is earning support for his tight-fisted fiscal positions, he’s so out of step...

I End the Iraq War Whenever I Feel Blue

Have the Republican debates this year caught up with the number of times Obama has declared the Iraq war over yet? Just wondering. Oh we love to kid the president about endlessly ending the war in Iraq, which killed possibly over a million, ruined a society, and...