Stripping Free Speech Rights in the Name of “Protecting America”
One of the defining characteristics of contemporary conservatism is to let irrational fear guide how much freedom Americans should be allowed to exercise and, correspondingly, how much unchecked power the government should have over individual rights and the "national...
Iraqi Security Forces Abduct Innocents & Extort Money From Their Families
The liberated Iraq: "We had to send [the security men] phone cards so they could call us. They said: 'Your son is being tortured – he will die if you don't pay.' So we paid and paid. What could I do? He is the last I have. I said I would sell myself in the streets,...
The False Flag Story and Provocations
By now, I’m sure most readers of this blog are informed about Mark Perry’s blockbuster story Friday on that describes how Israeli Mossad agents posed as U.S. spies to recruit and use members of the Jundallah group to carry out what the State...
Duh, Winning! (Hearts and Minds Edition)
From Three Against Hitler, by Rudi Wobbe and Jerry Borrowman: Near our home was a shoe store, owned and run by a Jew. Even before 1933 his store windows and swastikas had been painted on the walls and door. But, after the "takeover," the Nazis demolished his store in...
Is Assassinating Iranian Nuclear Scientists ‘Characteristic of the Mossad’?
Eli Lake reports at the Daily Beast: ...Patrick Clawson, the director of research at the Washington Institute for Near Policy, said the signs point to Israel. “This sophisticated technique is uncharacteristic of the Iranian armed opposition and the Iranian government,...
‘Such things happen all the time…’
McClatchy reports that Afghans aren't surprised by the video of U.S. Marines urinating on dead Afghans: In Afghanistan, while no major protests were reported the day after the video surfaced online — purporting to show four Marines standing in a semicircle and...
Literally Searching for Monsters to Destroy: Why Somalia Ain’t Getting Better
The Economist editorializes about the situation in Somalia and surprisingly implies an optimistic future. Somalia may now have its best chance of peace and security since 1991. If the government can consolidate its hold on Mogadishu, it will be a big step forward. The...
Antiwar Radio
Hey everyone, I haven't quit, it's just that the first week of the new year was tough going for interviews, and the second, I've had off. In the meantime, here are three from last week that I'm only now getting posted. Thanks. Holler at ya soon.