15 thoughts on “John Glaser on the Fallout of the Afghanistan Massacre”

  1. They are not there to bake cookies with terrorists that have no more love of the human life than a fly.
    They kill their own, stand behind cchildren or pregnant mothers firing on our troops. Give me a break. Why don't you send the terrorists a nicey letter saying "give peace a chance?"

    1. I'd like to stand behind your mother … Maybe she would in that case bore something that looks like a man and not an animal like you

  2. as for me i will only take care of me and mine. all other americans will fend for themselves if we are
    attacked. American men & some women(for 200+ytears) have risked their lives for ungrateful people.

    I would never fight any americans battles for anyone other than what is mine.
    There should be a law, "the us gov. cannot send any American to any war zone
    more than 2 times." this man was sent 4times….THE US GOV. SHOULD BE HELD

    And so to the wonderful military people i say thank you.

    1. ONLY COWARDS KILL SLEEPING CHILDREN……… Any military personnel that murder children sleeps with the Nazis……… and is not even human, much less wondaful…….. Just a fleshy bot programed to kill………….

    2. Actually there's an even better law. It says you can't send soldiers anywhere without permission from Congress. Alas, as this is no longer a country of laws but a country of men, these helpful cute little tchotchke laws sit on the shelf collecting only dust and memories.

  3. what terrorists? taliban? they were (still are) the legitimate government of afghanistan. we just don’t like their style. what was their involvement with AQ? little to nothing. OBL’s camp was a leftover from the previous occupation. hard to kick somebody out who had hero status for helping drive out the rooskies. not that the taliban particularly liked him – considering their offer to let the us ‘rendition’ him before 2001, so long as the taliban had plausible deniabiltiy. of course, things changed after ’01. had GW properly requested turnover (and provided a modest amount of evidence), no problem. but ultimatums are rarely effective. still, the taliban offered to turn him over to a third country for trial. so we attack and occupy afghanistan, threaten pakistan with ‘bombing into the stone age’ unless they assist (what a way to make allies!!)– all for one guy who may (or may not)have been in charge? considering the ‘bad guys’ came from saudi arabia, financing from kuwait, planning in germany, training in florida……..now back to those ‘training camps.’ right, we’ve seen the PR videos, balaclava-wearing baddies shooting ak’s and running obstacle courses. so how much of that military training was required to sneak a box-cutter onto an airplane?

  4. I'm disappointed that I keep seeing antiwar staff on the pro-Putin propaganda network Russia Today (although they seem to think – and they're probably right – that many viewers won't realize that that's what 'RT' is). Now I understand why Antiwar's stance on Syria, and before it Libya, is so off-the-mark.

  5. “Soldiers are TRAINED starting in basic to see other people not as people, but things. Objects to be hated, killed, destroyed". You said it the best.

    Militarism regimes and their education is based on Paranoia, if you are not paranoid seeing anyone as your enemy in another country and culture then you must listen to Rock And Roll satanic verse and sounds which in time makes you Paranoid enough to kill your mother, or your wife and etc. This is the psychological part of being and being deployed to war which means killing field for last 10 years, this is when as a solder you have lost it, this when you think that your god is your weapon in hand, and by killing people a solder actually think that he or she is doing something god for the country and god.

  6. Actually there's an even better law. It says you can't send soldiers anywhere without permission from Congress. Alas, as this is no longer a country of laws but a country of men, these helpful cute little tchotchke laws sit on the shelf collecting only dust and memories.

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