The Worst Horror Imaginable

by | May 29, 2012

…is to be called an ‘Arab.’ At least that is my take away from the latest Obama ad to appease bigots. In today’s Electronic Intifada, editor Ali Abunimah notes how easily and breezily this slips by the sensible Eastern Establishment censors:

But The Hill fails to note the blatant anti-Arab racism in the ad. It features a clip of an 11 October 2008 exchange at a Minnesota town-hall style campaign event between McCain and a woman in the audience. The exchange can be seen starting 15 seconds into the ad:

WOMAN: “I have heard about him [Obama]. He’s an Arab.”

MCCAIN: “No ma’am, no ma’am, he’s a decent family man, citizen, whom I just happen to have disagreements with.”

If the bigotry contained in the exchange is not obvious, try replacing the word “Arab” with “Jew” and then imagine what the response would have been to how McCain handled it then, and to Obama using it now.

No, need to cut, paste and replace, Mr. Abunimah. People of good will who can judge with discernment were hit with the racism within seconds of hitting ‘play.’ What I would like to know is this a symptom or root cause? When one deems an entire group of people as untouchable, as non humans without rights that no white man is bound to respect — does it make it easier to ignore the body count?

Ad below: