Following up on yesterday’s news that prisoners were injected with “mind altering drugs” before interrogation at Guantanamo Bay, the US is denying the report, kind of.
See, it wasn’t drugs, it was “medication.” All the rest of the stuff appears to have been true.
Here’s a nice thesaurus for them to fall back on if they need another word that means exactly the same thing but doesn’t sound quite so bad.
Drugs are not drugs. No they are not. Drugs are "medications." Okie-dokie. Somewhere, G. Orwell is laughing his ass off.
Here are some 'medications' used for interrogation
The Left are big supporters of Islamic causes, and this is because they share Non-Traditional sex, and like Bill Clinton they like Harems, and they like Promiscuity and Homosexuality, and they share the Muslims practice of Dictatorship.
Many Americans Citizens are legitimately concerned over the Clintons’ unrelenting cravings to entrench themselves in Power in America by means of a 100% Sodomite Military Dictatorship, starting with a 100 % Sodomite Praetorian Guard.
The American Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and her part time husband Bill Clinton, know that the Roman Emperors protected themselves from the Regular Army, and from the people, by using the Privileged Praetorian Guard, which is now the Homosexuals in the American Military.
I wonder if the American People have seriously thought on what the World’s Most Powerful Military would do to their own Country, if America ever had a Rogue Military of a 100% Sodomite Soldiers or SS under the Direct Command of the Clintons.
Westbroro Baptist church is that you? I thoght you were fenced in behind the crimson wall, bwa ha, ha, ha!
P.S. for the blithering sub literate idiots out there like "concerned" both parties are tools of the military industrial complex, no love for the Dimocraps or Repigliecons!
So if I smoke some medication does that mean I won't get arrested? LOL!
Drugs are not drugs. No they are not. Drugs are "medications." Okie-dokie. Somewhere, G. Orwell is laughing his ass off.
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Not drugs medication? Now this time I guess I have to realize that things would really go on this way.. Just this one here is such a great website to learn more. best diet to be healthy