Obama Bombs Yemen Hours After Winning Reelection

Not even a full day had passed before newly reelected President Obama ordered another drone strike in Yemen.

A U.S. drone strike targeted a group of al-Qaida militants on the outskirts of the Yemeni capital Sanaa on Wednesday night, killing at least three terrorists, government officials said.

Huffington Post:

 A White House spokesman did not respond to a request for comment. If it were a American strike, of course, it would have to have been authorized by Obama.

The drone war violates both domestic and international law, and the Obama administration’s vehement disdain for transparency in government is the only thing keeping it from public and legal scrutiny. Beyond the law, it’s terrorism.

41 thoughts on “Obama Bombs Yemen Hours After Winning Reelection”

  1. Lemme get this straight… you guys are upset because our Commander-in-Chief killed 3 terrorists? Whose side are you even on?

    1. 1) I am a citizen, not a government employee. He is not my "Commander in Chief", he is my employee.
      2) How do you know they are terrorists? The government told you so?
      3) I am on the side of small government and minding our own business.

      1. 1) As long as you are a citizen, he is your Commander-in-Chief. And that's whether you like it or not because that is part of his responsibilities as designated by our Constitution.

        2) And I know they are terrorists because I actually read the article:
        "A U.S. drone strike targeted a group of al-Qaida militants on the outskirts of the Yemeni capital Sanaa on Wednesday night, killing at least three terrorists".

        The same source that told us that the President ordered a drone strike in Yemen also told us that at least 3 terrorists were killed. Therefore, if you believe the source to be credible, it isn't logical for you to believe only half of what the article says… now does it?

    2. Lemme get this straight… everyone is a terrorist. Even you. You support a society that will kill, maim, destroy, and use fear to affect political change. So you support terrorism. This, by the current structures of national security, makes you an effective terrorist. You and 250 million others within these borders. Amazing, right? Keep your eyes to the sky for those drones…

      1. Alright now lemme get this straight, you know nothing about me yet you accuse me of terrorism? If you wish to call yourself and all other Americans terrorists, I think you should only speak for yourself. After all, I'm sure there are many Americans, especially on this website, who don't support war.

        The last time I checked, I never conspired to kill, maim, destroy or intimidate ANYBODY for any reason, much less politics. However, I refuse to stand by idly while a group of true terrorists systematically kill my fellow Americans. I'm sure given the opportunity, they would gladly kill us all without remorse. Even you. So excuse me if I support a government administration who seeks to protect me and my fellow citizens from the face of evil.

  2. What ?? In my opinion this is fake news, on a fake antiwar website, about a fake democracy. In reality Obama did bomb Jemen AND Pakistan AND Somalia virtually every day – as ANY other US president would do.
    There is nothing special about this – except, that this republican fake-antiwar website here, did hide it mostly and now tries with this "attractive" headline to blame their fake "opponent" and making them appear "antiwar".

    See here a "drone" search result of the best people driven independent <a href="http://www.net-news-global.net” target=”_blank”>www.net-news-global.net news archive: http://www.net-news-global.net/suche.php?suchstri

    It is a theater game played here as everywhere, called "democracy". This theater piece is played on a daily base by big money and needs such artificial "opposition", public discussion etc. to be believed.

    Search youtube videos for "economic hitman" or hitmen ? To learn how the strings behind this theater plays for the public are pulled.

    With regard to the recent and current hidden USA proxy-guerrilla wars against Libya and Syria I suggest visiting 08oo.wordpress.com

  3. iam a yemeni ,
    and no one has the right to attack yemen People
    even if they were al Qaidah , yemen government schould do that , NOT OBAMA !!

  4. Appears to be mostly democrats attacking democrats about what a democrat's supposed to be. What the Democratic Party is supposed to be, people, is the big tent party, the post-modern party, the one that adopts a multitude of views. E pluribus unum, remember? The fact is that there are plenty of peace-at-all-costs democrats in the party, just as there are many advocates of judicial use of force (myself among them), and just as there are many among us who are conservative and who support robust use of force but not the boots-on-the-ground, thousands-of-US-KIAs, $trillions-down-the-toilet, let's-attack-the-wrong-countries crap we got plenty of out of that last guy. Recognize this and act accordingly. Any Republican trolls, of course, are still open season.

    1. So, you would support Mexico using drone strikes to take out the terrorists working for the ATF who helped smuggle weapons into Mexico?

      1. Your absurdist interpretation of my comments smacks of conservative technique, sir. I just spent 9 months dealing with exactly such kinds of rubbish arguments. Are you trolling, Chris? If so, declare yourself and we can vigorously discuss your position.

        1. ^Ad hominim Response denotes a weak position. ALERT ALERT war is okay as long as the murders only happen against "them".

          1. I didn't dismiss chris because he was (probably) a republican; I dismissed him for his absurd response that had no bearing on my comment. Much like yours. If you want to start throwing around debate terminology, you should probably learn what it means before framing your own lame response.

  5. this is proly the first thing I like about the guy, hes blowin up terrorist witout killin our boys. I say push the drone button again obama! This is war, this aint geneva neither so, jeans tanktops and sandles 4 our troops (incognito) and orders 2 kill insurgents. Its simple. I go over there I kill the, women, children (little terrorist grow 2 b big), men, dogs, cats, chickens goats, all of them….. These r my friends gettin killed over there, and I still pay $3.50 a gallon.

  6. What does a drone strike sound like? i would like to know right before one hits my house.

  7. He is a devil and a liar and a deviant. They voted him backing and they call him they’re president but he’s not mine!! Jesus is my president!! I knew he would be up to no good!!!

  8. Remember people there is nothing in life for free!! Someone has to absorb the cost!!!

  9. We honestly need to stop meddling in with other countries' business. We've been fighting this "War on Terror" and just like the "War on Drugs" it's a bust. How are we suppose to promote peace and happiness when we continuely bomb other countries? I hate to sound like a hippie, but… we bitch about not having enough money to keep out government running, on education and our people fed, but we have plenty of money to spend on elections and on war. We need to re-evaluate our priorities because if we continue this way, we'll run ourselves to the ground no matter who is in the White House.

  10. The comments here are pathetic. This website has a rich history of non-partisanship and has been the heart of antiwar news, opinions and perspectives for over a decade. You are children. The terror war makes you less safe. The attacks are committed based on faulty intelligence. The government assumes anyone that holds a gun is a terrorist without any due process whatsoever. They target weddings, funerals and strike again after rescuers come to help the victims of the first attack. The drones hover over villages, instilling fear and destroying communities. You support this, meaning you share the burden of guilt. There will be more and more enemies as resentment for America grows.

    You are blind followers in a cult of personality. You have been enslaved by corporate media. Don't be shocked when these drones are flying over your head terrorizing you just as they do innocent people in the middle east and northern africa.

  11. Just look at that picture of Obama they used, just to create shock value and resentment. Can you say DESPERATE??? They should've never given some of these bloggers access to the internet. Smdh

  12. A nation of terrorists , so who really cares who did what . It’s past time to stop the greed and suffering . The world is fed up of yer righteousness and religious propaganda, your war on terror , Start solving your own mess at home . stay at home America the world doesn’t need your bullshit any more .

  13. Obomba likes to kill poor brown people with remote controlled aircraft without trial and on suspicion only. He is just like Bush, Clinton and Romney. He is a whore for the national security state built by and for the Pentagon industries. The more drones flown and the more bombs dropped mean more drones and bombs to be bought, which means more money for the companies that make these arms. The elite from both parties all get a cut of this action.

  14. I thought congress warned the executive branch of government , that bombs dropped on foreign countries without congresses aprovual would lead to impeachment proceedings . The executive branch said they would consulte with NATO before they bombed Syria . No congress said you cunsulte with us . Are last few presidents did not always do things properly

  15. Whether Obama was responsible or not, it is in poor taste to provide such implied defamation by contextualizing the drone strike with a picture of Obama laughing. Unless this actually is a picture of Obama laughing about getting away with killing people via covert means, it has no place being misassociated with this article.

  16. How do we know beyond any shadow of a doubt that that those "terrorists" weren't literally planning an attack on civilians. We don't. I don't EVER condone killing anyone, but if you had the knowledge that someone or a group of people were planning an attack on innocent civilians and you did nothing about it wouldn't that be equally as bad? And in this case the reason it was US and not the Yemenis own air force is because they simply don't have the capability. I don't like it either way. I don't like the idea of killing people that may be innocent in a drone strike and i really don't like the idea of just letting people kill innocent civilians. Its all completely fucked. I really wish the people could be better informed as to what is really happening and why.

  17. Send more drones. They work. Those of you who think that drones violate law, whether US law or international law, are completely wrong. I only hope that more svere measures are not need to stop the spread of Islamic imperialism. These imperialists have been warring against the rest of the world for over 1000 years and it's time to stop it for everyone's good. If you fail to recognize this, you need get informed and do some serious thinking about whether we can ever had world peace when there is a large group of people that has sworn a religious vow to conquer the world.

  18. P.S heres the link that explains PD or proportional Representation that's PR not PD my mistake

  19. So how many people killed will satisfy your sense of justice? Especially when the killings produce even more militants against us?

  20. There are a number of problems with this. One, it implies the strike was a us drone then admits they have no proof that it was the united states. Two, terrorism isn't just an attack on another country. The attack on the us was terrorism, for example, to instill fear, but not all attacks are. If this is true, it broke international regulation, but could hardly be called terrorism as it was an attack on a specific small group within the country and not the country itself.

    1. Impressive. You contradicted yourself on every conceivable level in the space of two sentences. First, you state that terrorism isn't just an attack on another country, and later that Obama's "bug splat" can't be considered terrorism because it wasn't an attack on the country itself. Public education logic if I've ever seen it.

      And I'm sure the Yemeni victims and their surviving loved ones felt more than enough fear to qualify as "terror". Hence, Obama is a blood-drenched terrorist. His being popular as far as terrorists go doesn't change that.

  21. War is our biggest export, that needs to change regardless of which puppet the 1% elect.

  22. hope he does more of it. If these countries took care of it themselves we wouldn't be needed.

  23. wow, all these accusations. at the end of the day whoever is in the whitehouse is going to authorise bombings, thank god its a sensible man like obama doing it for once rather than an incompetent moron like George Bush. Lets be honest, if America werent trying to kill terrorists then those terrorists would be killing Americans. I for one would prefer (if there are going to be bombings) that its our side doing it rather than the other way around.

  24. If you're so "Anti-War," then campaign for al-Qaeda, Hamas and FARC to surrender. The Hague convention of 1907 requires combatants to carry arms openly and be recognizable at a distance. Any force that does not do so is guilty of war crimes.

  25. “Three terrorists, including local al-Qaida commander Adnan al- Qathi who is wanted for bombing the U.S. embassy in Sanaa in late 2008, were confirmed killed Wednesday night…” Sounds like we took care of business.

  26. So what if he did? There is a necessity for this. I didn't vote for Obama, however, we must quit the complaining about everything this man does. We are still supposed to honor him and pray for him so get over it and quit whining! What have YOU done to protect your country? What have YOU done to promote peace? I see nothing of that nature un here!
    Peace comes at a price, it doesn't just magically happen.

  27. rather than drones, we need to use nukes, then the terrorists would take notice!
    what? you don't think nukes should be used? why not? death to terrorists, where ever they are, right?
    after all, amerika is the policeman of the world now, and every one needs to bow to the holy o!

  28. Folks we have been bombing AQAP targets (Al Qaeda in Arabian Penninsula) for almost two years…with the Yemeni govt's permission…they even took credit with the UN and said it wasn't us but them using American made weapons…This story is the worst kind of inflammatory journalism, using partial truth and speculation to elicit the conclusion it seeks…If we concede to the fact that there was an airstrike, there is no proof it was drones…We have used guided technology from bomber aircraft in the last year or so in that theater…It sickens me how different people act because our president is black…If George W was doing this we would be reposting pictures of the towers and droppin to give him Lewinsky's in the press…Haters gotta Hate I suppose

    1. and I am white so don't say I am biased…I just see this stuff for what it really is

  29. Why is this news? I thought both Romney and Obama support the drone attacks in Yemen and Pakistan. It’s just a continuation of Obama’s policy. Why would we think the election would affect the scheduling? Bottom line, it doesn’t matter which one of these Establishment candidates won, any American who voted for either obviously supports drone attacks that are killing civilian women and children in the Middle East, so what’s the issue or debate?

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