The pressure for Washington to add more heft to their support for the Syrian rebels is heating up again. Secretary of State John Kerry announced today that the US will, in what Reuters describes as “for the first time” send “non-lethal aid” directly to Syrian rebels (that is, instead of through third parties, which is reportedly what they’ve been doing until now). Kerry said the US will “more than double its aid” to the Syrian opposition, while also offering “equipment, medical supplies, and other non-lethal assistance.”
At least according to reports, President Obama still refuses to provide the rebels with weapons directly (although several US allies are doing that dirty work for him). But many in Washington are pushing hard for directly sending weapons: Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) told an audience at the pro-Israel Washington Institute for Near East Policy this week that the US should be sending ammunition. Additionally, a top Democrat in the House, Eliot Engel (D-NY), is planning to introduce legislation “to allow the president to arm the rebels,” he explained on ABC’s This Week.
I’ve written ad nauseum about what a bad idea increasing aid to the Syrian rebels is. First of all, neither Washington nor its allies have any way to control where the aid goes once it’s in Syria, despite the constant talk of a “vetting process” aimed at funneling support to moderate elements of the rebels and keeping it away from extremist elements that are aligned with al-Qaeda and other terrorist organizations.
In October, The New York Times published an article confirming that “Most of the arms shipped at the behest of Saudi Arabia and Qatar to supply Syrian rebel groups fighting the government of Bashar al-Assad are going to hard-line Islamic jihadists,” despite the fact that those weapons were being sent with US approval and coordination.
Secondly, the fact that this conflict has essentially been a proxy war for outside powers from the beginning is part of why it has been so intractable and bloody. Upping the ante on that will just continue to make the problem worse.
And then there is the question of blowback: aiding Sunni extremists trying to topple the Assad regime should trigger bad memories of aiding other proxies to serve our geo-political interests in Afghanistan during the 1980s. That classic case of blowback could seem slight compared to what could potentially happen in Syria.
Add to this the moral qualms we should have about aiding unaccountable rebel fighters, many of whom have committed war crimes and you have a robust combination of moral and strategic reasons not to side with Syria’s rebels.
But there is another critical strategic and moral reason not to further meddle: even if the US and its allies manage to bolster the rebels enough to topple the Assad regime, the war doesn’t end there. Daniel Trombly raises the question of the current splits in the disparate Syrian rebel opposition and how those will be exacerbated in a post-Assad scramble for power in Syria. Our involvement would eventually pit rebel group against rebel group and these are sufficient ingredients for an ongoing civil war even if Assad were out of the picture.
In Libya, the government let extremist organizations with anti-Western tendencies tear apart shrines, Western graveyards, and attack diplomats almost without consequence, despite NATO’s direct intervention to help topple Gaddafi. In Syria, where extremist groups are even better organized and armed relative to their secular and mainstream Islamist counterpart, escalating conflict with jihadists and opening a second stage to the Syrian civil war is even more dangerous. Western support for secularists and amenable Islamists will not cow jihadists into disarming. As Jihadica points out, posters on Shumukh al Islam are already asserting that what happens after the fall of the regime is of even greater concern than the war against the regime itself.
Let’s be clear of what the U.S. would need the secularists and Islamists to undertake to stamp out the jihadists in Syria. Not simply unite, not simply win, but maintain the motive and capability to fight and kill their one-time partners once they have finished with the regime. This is not a mere competition for influence, it will be war.
Extremist groups still operate freely in Libya (you know, the last country Washington “liberated”). And in Iraq, as Trombly points out, Sunni jihadists that were never there prior to the US war are still “raising hell” and destabilizing the country despite exorbitant amounts of US aid, weapons, and training to the government and its security forces.
None of the administration officials, members of Congress, or mindless media pundits arguing for greater intervention in Syria will dare to look this far beyond the horizon. Their shortsightedness is appallingly irresponsible.
Advocates for intervention like John McCain always ask how much bloodshed we’re willing to witness before we “do something” about Syria. I wonder how much more bloodshed and suffering McCain will tolerate once Syria’s stability, and their fighting force, becomes solely Washington’s responsibility.
I guess the sequester doesn't impact sending money to foreign terrorists?
Supporting Al Qaida in Syria is considered part of the Israeli aide, so is untouchable, no matter what.
unless i missed it, nowhere in your list of reasons not
to aid the terroris…um, freedom fighters, does the
reason “it’s not our place to meddle in another country’s
internal affairs” appear.
This war is done and lost by those who started it., Syria have become the grave yard of terrorists from Europe to saudi arabia…, they are working on final detail how to ended it without admitting any guilt.., these people have no conscious nor feel anything for the life lost.., once again.., ICC needs to start the paper work prosecuting Hillary Clinton and those who without any proven facts, a legitimate political or social reason, wanting to change the legitimate government of Syria.., for their own political gain.
right on mojo!
“Free Doom”
Sure as hell right. Syria has been turned into hell on Earth, and there’s no way I can be convinced the rebels are fighting for “freedom” at this point.
The syrian rebels all being foreign are needed in another war. They will be replaced with idf soldiers when Israel meets to suffering of Syria with another Gaza like occupation.
Today the package of mandatory spending cuts known as the "sequester" takes effect. There's just one word for the impact on millions of Americans: DEVASTATING!
373,000 seriously mentally ill people are losing care.
70,000 kids are getting kicked out of Head Start.
100,000 formerly homeless people will soon be back on the streets.
This is madness. The Tea Party and austerity-obsessed billionaires have finally gone too far—they're holding kids and poor families hostage to force radical benefit cuts to Social Security, Medicare and more. Dozens of MoveOn members have started petitions to stop these cuts—and thousands more around the country are asking how to stop the austerity lies once and for all.
I realize this doesn't have much to do with this article, but I feel like its important for people to see this message.. thank you
And the border with Mexico will be unguarded, with the furloughing of Border Patrol agents. Do you know what that means? Illegals AND drug cartel thugs will be pouring across this border, endangering the lives of thousands.
I do hope it does not become worse like what america did to the poor bastards in Iraq/Afganistan/vietnam/Cuba.
Looking forward to seeing Assad end the same way as Gaddhafi; beaten to death in the street by his own vengeful people. The way all dictators should go.
I guess the sequester doesn't impact sending money to foreign terrorists?
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