More Bush-Inspired Epigrams for his Library Day

In honor of Bush's library dedication today, here are some more epigrams he inspired from my 2003 book, Terrorism & Tyranny: Killing foreigners is no substitute for protecting Americans. Habeas corpus is an insurance policy to prevent governments from going...

White House to Meet With Yemeni Anti-Drone Activist

Farea al-Muslimi, the Yemeni youth activist and journalist who testified at the Senate Judiciary Hearing this week on the drone war, will be meeting with White House officials to tell them too about how the drone war terrorizes civilians and helps al-Qaeda...

No Need to Distort on Ron Paul Institute

At The Daily Beast, James Kirchick blasts the new Ron Paul Institute for being "comprised of anti-Semites, 9/11 truthers, and dictator lovers." Kirchick goes astray on a number of claims, but at one point he links to a piece by former CIA official Michael Scheuer...

Epigrams in Honor of George W. Bush’s Library Dedication

Down in Texas, the George W. Bush Library is having formal opening ceremonies today. In honor of the occasion, here's a few epigrams from my 2004 book, The Bush Betrayal: There are no harmless political lies about a war. The more such lies citizens tolerate, the more...

Iran War Weekly — April 25, 2013

Following on the failure of the talks in Kazakhstan about Iran’s nuclear program, the United States and its allies renewed their non-diplomatic offensive against Iran this week. Secretary of Defense Hagel was in the Middle East, most especially in Israel, to push a...

What Would Richard Holbrooke Say?

Yesterday would have been uber-diplomat Richard Holbrooke's 72nd birthday. He died December 13, 2010 while on the job as our top envoy to Afghanistan, and one can't help thinking that whatever 1960's idealism still existed in terms of making that country a better...

Rand Paul Equivocates Confuses on Drones and Due Process

Senator Rand Paul has generated a firestorm over his apparent flip-flop on drones used by the US government to kill American citizens on US soil. Last month, Rand Paul's 13-hour filibuster on the Senate floor was the most sweeping denunciation of the Obama...