Free-market Groups Want to Slash $1.9 Trillion from Pentagon

by | Jun 3, 2013

From R Street’s Andrew Moylan:

As lawmakers begin discussing the National Defense Authorization Act in earnest this week, many in Washington are wondering, is it possible to defend America’s national interests and defend taxpayers’ wallets at the same time? According to a joint report from the National Taxpayers Union and the R Street Institute, the answer is an emphatic “Yes.”

Tomorrow the two free-market groups will provide an overview of their study, which highlights a menu of 100 Pentagon savings recommendations (some of which would overlap or conflict with each other) totaling nearly $1.9 trillion in coming years. The paper also briefly recounts the history of conservative involvement in military spending restraint, and provides seven suggestions to help conservatives “move beyond occasional success and become an ongoing influence” in Pentagon budgeting decisions.

WHO: NTU Executive Vice President Pete Sepp & R Street Institute Outreach Director and Senior Fellow Andrew Moylan

WHAT: Media teleconference and overview of the study, “Defending America, Defending Taxpayers: How Pentagon Spending Can Better Reflect Conservative Values.” An advance copy of the report, which will be released 12 noon ET, June 4, may be viewed here.

WHEN: Tuesday, June 4, 2013, 1 p.m. to 1:30 p.m. ET.

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