Introduction by Tom EngelhardtYes, the predictions are in. By 2016 (or 2030?), China will have economically outpaced the U.S. So say the economic soothsayers. And behind them lie all those, in the Pentagon and elsewhere in Washington, who secretly...
For Yemenis, US Refusal To Release Gitmo Prisoners Is a National Offense
"In Yemen we are close to the bottom in all kinds of measures like income and education, but there’s one statistic where we come out on top: the number of prisoners in Guantanamo," laughed Mohammad Naji Allaw, a successful Yemeni lawyer who ploughs his...
Reminder: Petition to Pardon Snowden
Just a reminder for those who haven't done so already, the White House petition calling on President Obama to preemptively pardon leaker Edward Snowden is still a little short of its goal. There's plenty of time left and no reason we shouldn't be able to get another...
Oklahoma Republican Lawmaker Organizes Antiwar Rally at State Capitol
OKLAHOMA CITY A state lawmaker will lead an anti-war rally on the south steps of the Oklahoma State Capitol at 7 p.m. Friday, July 12. The public is invited.The rallys theme is Not Our War! and will be held to reflect the views of those who...
Michael Hastings, Truthteller, Dead at 33
By now much of the world has learned that Michael Hastings, Rolling Stone reporter, war correspondent and author, has died in a car crash at the age of 33. He will be best known -- and all of the eulogies so far lead with this -- for his breakout story, Runaway...
Butcher of Belgrade Offers Tips for Peace in Syria
The New York Times op-ed page has a piece by retired General Wesley Clark headlined: "To Get a Truce, Be Ready to Escalate." The Times summarizes Clark's wisdom: "The threat of force might get talks over Syria moving, as it did in Kosovo." Clark opines as if the...
From Afghanistan, Thank You Bradley Manning!
An appeal from Afghanistan to whistle-blow on warFrom Dr. Hakim and the Afghan Peace VolunteersRecognition that 95 million human beings were killed in World War I and II has helped the people of the world understand that the method of war is not cost-effective. An...
US Military Can Keep Subsidizing NASCAR
Rep. Betty McCollum (D - MN) has suffered another setback in her efforts to end military waste, as her bill to ban military subsidies for NASCAR and professional wrestling was defeated in a vote of 134-290. Last year, McCollum noted that $26.5 million in funding from...
Data Hungry: Surveillance Is Never Enough
The NSA's PRISM scheme is already surveilling the entire American public to an enormous level, culling massive amounts of data from the PRISM Nine companies that have been complicit in that policy. So it's no surprise that the International Cyber Security Conference...
CNAS National Security Hive on Syria: “Meh”
President Obama is expected to make an announcement this week on whether his administration will begin arming the Syrian rebels in their suddenly uncertain effort to topple the autocratic regime of Bashar Assad. All signs point to a lifting of the White House...