As per Prof. Noam Chomsky, now that the U.K. is no longer supporting military action against Syria, "The International Community" is down to three countries: U.S., France, and Turkey. Prof. Chomsky pointed out that the U.S. defines "International...
On Syria, Don’t Trust Our Warring Policymakers
As of this moment, Obama is lurching towards piously slaughtering Syrians. The Washington Post noted this morning that the administration "disdains Assad request on inspections." In other words, it is important to start the killing before the evidence is in. Obama...
Justin Raimondo on Fox Radio Today at 6:30pm EDT editorial director Justin Raimondo will be a guest on the Alan Colmes Show on Fox Radio Network today at 6:30pm Eastern Time (3:30pm Pacific). The topic is Syria. You can listen live on their website, or you can listen on the radio (see station finder...
‘The Spectacle of Fearsome Acts’: Syria and the ‘Credibility’ Fallacy
"You know how I stayed alive this long? All these years? Fear. The spectacle of fearsome acts. Somebody steals from me, I cut off his hands. He offends me, I cut out his tongue. He rises against me, I cut off his head, stick it on a pike, raise it high up so all on...
NY Times Op-Ed: ‘Bomb Syria, Even if It Is Illegal’
I really can't add much to this... Here's the link. At least it's an honest argument. And it's the same for many people now pining for another U.S. war in the Middle East: "the law" is just some antiquated, idealistic notion that doesn't apply to states, especially...
Obama: ‘I Have Not Made a Decision’ on Syria
War for Political Prestige: Lost Causes in Syria and Afghanistan
As President Obama contemplates how and when to commence war crimes in his impending attack on Syria for, at best, dubious reasons, it's worth remembering that we are already at war. You'd be forgiven for forgetting. We don't hear about this one, but the U.S. is still...
What the Assault on Whistleblowers Has to Do With War on Syria
Without whistleblowers, the mainline media outlets are more transfixed than ever with telling the official story. And at a time like this, the official story is all about spinning for war on Syria.Every president who wants to launch another war can’t abide...
Biden Threatened to Impeach President If He Launched an Attack Without Congressional Authority
Back in 2007, Presidential candidate Joe Biden (now Obama's VP) was crystal clear about what to do if The President attacks a country that didn't threaten us without Congressional approval – impeach him. His 6-year-old warning is completely appropriate to apply to the...
Bombing Syria ‘Just Enough Not to Get Mocked,’ Or, Where Does America Get Off?
The Obama administration's case for war against Syria is incredibly thin. That is unsurprising. What is a little bit surprising is that they're not really even trying to make it more compelling. As I've written, Obama is about to violate both the Constitution and...