This is the anniversary of President Richard Nixon’s resignation in 1974. Nixon knew that his defense was doomed and chose to throw in the towel without a Senate trial. But President Gerald Ford compounded the damage from Nixon’s presidency when he issued a sweeping...
The Audacity of Lying: Obama Fibs on NSA Spying Again
"Publicly, we say one thing. Actually, we do another." So said Richard Nixon, the man who ushered in one of the most secretive and criminal presidential administrations in American history. Surprisingly for some, President Barack Obama is ably following in Nixon's...
Ex-CIA Chief Praises Official Leaks for Letting Terrorists ‘Know We’re Alert’ After Condemning Snowden For Doing the Same
Lots of people are asking good questions about the veracity of the Obama administration's claims regarding this latest terrorist attack that they foiled by intercepting electronic communications between Ayman al-Zawahiri, the head of core al Qaeda, and Nasir al...
Obama, NSA, Gulf of Tonkin, & Governing as Lying
This is the 49th anniversary of Congress's passage of the Gulf of Tonkin resolution, by which the Lyndon Johnson administration lied the nation into the Vietnam War. The resolution was spurred by false assertions of multiple North Vietnamese attacks on U.S. ships. At...
Israel and Racism
Shimon Gapso, an Israeli mayor of Upper Nazareth, recently said that Upper Nazareth is a Jewish city and "will be Jewish forever." In response to this, and in consideration of anti-Arab statements Gapso allegedly made in the past (and, say, his opposition to the...
The ‘Isolationist’ Slur Won’t Go Away
The Cato Institute's Justin Logan at POLITICO argues "Washington’s war hawks are gearing up to scare you with another phantom devil: isolationism." ...“isolationist” was designed as a slur and remains one. No one calls himself an isolationist. It’s always intended to...
150 Press & Human Rights Groups Call for End to Snowden Prosecution
From the Guardian's letters section: More than 150 civil society organisations from around the globe are asking President Barack Obama to end the prosecution of Edward Snowden (Activists stage second national day of protest against NSA's domestic spying, 4 August)....
Why “we” REALLY nuked both Hiroshima & Nagasaki. In just 3 days.
OLIVER STONE: ... Every school kid -- still, my daughter in her school, in private school, in good school, is still learning this: We dropped the bomb because we had to, because the Japanese resistance was fanatic, and we would have lost many American lives taking...
Foreign Affairs Forgets To Mention Douglas Feith Was Investigated for Bush-Era Torture
Last weekend, one need not have looked further than the Foreign Affairs homepage for a little bit of political humor. There readers will find a lengthy, circumspect article authoritatively titled, "The War of Law: How New International Law Undermines Democratic...
Obama Indefinitely Detains, Not Just at Gitmo
The news today is that Guantanamo Bay’s head jailor William Lietzau, "in charge of the indefinite detention of a lot of people long-since cleared for release," writes Jason Ditz, has condemned the lack of due process, saying we should "have called them prisoners of...