The Mindlessness of Iran Hawks

Despite Obama's promise in last week's State of the Union address that he will veto any bill that heaps additional sanctions on Iran while the interim agreement is still in place, hawks in the House of Representatives are still pushing for it. Indeed, a mixture of...

Our Interests or Theirs? The US Doesn’t Need Asia

In the policy and think tank worlds, we're told Obama's "pivot" to Asia is essential for America's national interests and that, indeed, continued U.S. military presence throughout the Asia Pacific region is vital for both the U.S. and its allies. U.S. allies need to...

Pentagon Corruption Extends to Covering Up War Crimes

Two recent reports from Foreign Policy reveal that there is routine corruption at the Defense Department and that it even extends to covering up evidence of war crimes. First, from Gordon Lubold, an article based on a July 2013 report compiled by the Defense...