Conscription, History, and Why It Matters

In a modern era of global military empire, mass indiscriminate NSA data-grabbing, and unaccountable killer cops, an age-old issue vital to liberty is often overlooked or forgotten: that of conscription. On this Veterans’ Day, while most solemnly reflect on the valiant...

The Mystery of Ray McGovern’s Arrest

Why, I asked myself, would the New York City police arrest me and put me in The Tombs overnight, simply because a security officer at the 92nd Street Y told them I was “not welcome” and should be denied entry to a talk by retired General David Petraeus? In my hand was...

Me and Anthony Brown’s Memorial Day Parade

I was stunned that Maryland voters gave the heave-ho to Democratic gubernatorial candidate Anthony Brown yesterday.  Obama's "Mini-Me" never recovered from his role as the mastermind of perhaps the most disastrous ObamaCare Internet site rollout in the country. I...

Elections as Execution Days for Rights & Liberties

President Obama and a heap of other politicians are imploring us to view voting as the ultimate expression of our freedom and self-government. The reality is that the vast majority of politicians will do as they damn well please after Election Day. Edward Snowden’s...

Life in Our Scared National Security State

I am thinking about Sister Megan Rice, an 84-year-old nun and two army veterans, Michael Walli, 65, and Greg Boertje-Obed, 58, all of them sitting behind prison bars for doing far less than the fraudsters and political thugs who took us into Iraq and killed and...

Ron Paul on Blowback in Canada

In the 60’s and 70’s Canada was a haven for young me who were resisting the calamitous Vietnam War. Now Canada’s leaders, having participated with the U.S. in 13 years of interventionist warfare in the Mideast, pronounce themselves shocked at being the victims of...