Panic Over ‘Movie 9/11’ Ends Planned Release of ‘The Interview’

by | Dec 17, 2014

A message released by claimed hackers of Sony Pictures threatened to carry out “9/11-like attacks” on movie theaters in the United States if the movie “The Interview” was released.

The US has claimed the hackers may be linked to the North Korean government, although North Korea itself denies this. At any rate, the ability of anyone to carry out 9/11-style attacks on individual movie theaters nationwide seems preposterously unlikely, at best.

Despite this lack of serious threat, a number of major movie theater chains pulled out of showing the movie and Sony, in an act of flat out cowardice, bailed on the movie entirely, announcing that not only will it not be released on Christmas, but that there are “no plans” to release the movie at all now, not even on DVD, even though North Korea is clearly not going to “9/11” individual DVD players, for Christ-sakes.

Presumably, cooler heads will prevail eventually and Sony will release the movie somehow, because they already dumped $44 million into it. President Obama is admonishing Americans to “go to the movies,” but the reality is they don’t have that option.