This Friday, go to to learn how fiat money and inflation enable the warfare state. Mises Academy director and columnist Dan Sanchez will give a 20-minute talk titled “War and the Government Control of Money” as part of the Mises Institute’s “Sound Money” seminar for college and high school students. This free seminar will also feature talks by Mark Thornton, Jeff Deist, and Jonathan Newman. Joseph Salerno will join the speakers for a Q&A session. If you happen to be in the area (Auburn, Alabama) you can register to attend in-person (also free). Otherwise, watch the live streaming broadcast at
Schedule (Central time zone)
9:55 a.m. Welcome, Jeff Deist
10:00 a.m. Mark Thornton “Money and the Development of Human Society: From Barter to Bitcoin”
10:20 a.m. Jeff Deist “A Free Market in Money”
10:40 a.m. Break
11:00 a.m. Dan Sanchez “War and the Government Control of Money”
11:20 a.m. Jonathan Newman “Inflation and Business Cycles”
11:40 a.m. Panel with Q&A
Noon Adjourn
Free Suggested Advance Readings
What Has Government Done to Our Money?
Leave Money Production to the Market
Inflation as a Stealth Tax (Video)
How Inflation Picks your Pocket
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It’s high time to raise this topic for fellow citizens and give some directions on what to expect and how to choose financial behavior for this year. We already know how inflation can undermine our plans regarding investments and household budgeting. Moreover, we realize that there’re factors which influence the economic standing of the state and we know nothing about them. For this reason, sessions like these can become very informative and useful for the ones who takes care of his or her personal budget and tries to save on bills using effective strategies.
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