Ron Paul on Threatening China Over Korea: Grandstanding… Or Wise Diplomacy?

Just days before President Trump is set to meet Chinese Premier Xi Jinping he let loose with a threat: either China “solves” North Korea or the US will do it. One way would be good for China, the other would not, he added. But how much sway does China really have over Kim Jong-Un and his nuclear policy? Could Trump be miscalculating? What’s at stake? We look at the possibilities in today’s Ron Paul Liberty Report:

Reprinted from The Ron Paul Institute for Peace & Prosperity.

4 thoughts on “Ron Paul on Threatening China Over Korea: Grandstanding… Or Wise Diplomacy?”

  1. Ron and Daniel once again hedge their bets. it’s obviously a threat against China, even if the bluff works.

    Ron and Daniel not being clear on that is an indication that they are willing to accept Trump’s bluff on war with China.

    This is just behaviour that’s as bad as Raimondo’s support of Trump.

    Both are stealing legitimacy from this site’s antiwar cause.

  2. Oh look everybody, we’re already contemplating possible nuclear war and we’re already two months into Trump’s fuc-ing reign of terror.

    Good choice of a president to put your support behind Raimondo!

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