In a surveillance state, no one is immune from the government’s watchful eyes. Not even the government. It looks like the Obama Administration used the NSA to dig up dirt on the Trump people before and after the election. Possibly, the “Russia hacked the election” story was meant to cover-up for that real crime. But our concern is not the political implications of this potentially monumental scandal. Rather, we focus on the bigger picture: if we want to live in a surveillance state, this is the kind of society we will become. More in today’s Ron Paul Liberty Report:
Reprinted from The Ron Paul Institute for Peace & Prosperity.
Unsought–and even illegal–surveillance will grow. This is due to innovations in technology. There’s no stopping it. Surveillance-enabled dirty tricks and embarrassing disclosures will grow due to this burgeoning technology. Spying is a growth industry. Be prepared.
I guess you are right and all we can do is to keep on thinking
I have to agree with you… the technological genie is out of the bottle. All the laws and privacy rules in the world will not put it back in.