Rep. Tulsi Gabbard on Regime-Change Wars

Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (D-HI) on Tucker Carlson recently: will be regularly posting videos by Presidential candidates on their foreign policy views. As a non-profit foundation, we do not endorse or support any candidates.

10 thoughts on “Rep. Tulsi Gabbard on Regime-Change Wars”

  1. To folks in the Philadelphia PA area: Tulsi has a meet-and-greet this Friday, March 8, from 5:30 to 7:00 pm:

    Free, but you need to RSVP so they can get a headcount. There’s a minimum age of 21 to attend since the venue sells beer.

  2. I watched the whole thing. Well said.

    -Her candidacy seems to mainly be on “foreign policy”, Tucker called her a progressive otherwise in the interview. I hear her speak little on other issues, domestic issues.

    – I enjoy foreign policy discussions, but does the average American? Is there room for her largely foreign policy non-inteventionist candidacy in the Democrat party?

    – She says nobody takes her up on the issues, that may be true for the other candidates but plenty of people have taken her up on her views on Assad.

    – I very much welcome the discussions she brings. These issues need to be discussed but often simply do not get that attention.

  3. Some strange things are happening to Tulsi on Google. Most afternoons the number of hits for a Google search of “Tulsi Gabbard” tops 5 million and was has high as 5.4 million a few days ago. By late evening the number of hits for Tulsi Gabbard declines. Last night it was at a low of 3.910 million. This morning it is back to 4.6 million and rising. I expect it will be over 5 million by the afternoon and decline again in the late evening. I don’t see any such daily declines for the other Democratic presidential candidates, all of whom seem to be getting more Google hits since they announced. The MSN campaign to suppress Gabbard’s message may extend to the Google search engine. If anyone reading this is in touch with Tulsi’s campaign, please make them aware of this possible sabotage.

    1. I googled Tulsi Gabbard and Jay Inslee’s name popped up. Somebody at Google thinks Climate Change is an acceptable issue for dissenters but unnecessary wars are not.

  4. Tulsi needs our help to get her anti-war message out! If she qualifies for the first televised debate, she will stand out from all the other candidates. I believe her candidacy will take off then. That is how Trump broke from the pack in 2016.
    To qualify for the debate Tulsi needs 65,000 contributions with at least 200 contributions from donors in 20 states. The size of the contributions does not matter. $5 or even $1 counts as much as $1,000. The candidates and the MSN have been ignoring her or demonizing her. But no one has been willing to debate her. We can change that! And getting Tulsi to the debates can change the national discourse on regime change wars whether or not she wins the nomination.
    You can make a contribution to Tulsi’s campaign at:

    Let’s do this!

    1. I wish the campaigns would be more quick and transparent on their fundraising numbers. As of today, the FEC doesn’t yet have figures for Gabbard’s committee (Tulsi Now).

      I would be surprised if she hasn’t already met the 65,000/200 in 20 states threshold, though.

      1. “As of today, the FEC doesn’t yet have figures for Gabbard’s committee”

        Don’t the numbers only come out at the end of every quarter (which would be March 31st)?

        1. The numbers are reported through the end of each quarter, due the 15th of the following month (so the 15th of April for Q1 2019).

          Which is why, as I said, the FEC doesn’t yet have figures for Gabbard’s committee.

          But there’s nothing to stop the campaigns from reporting their numbers to the public in something closer to real time, and they often do when they hold a big fundraiser or whatever.

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